Pamela Bofferding

Pamela Bofferding is a native Texan who now lives with her husband and sons in New York City. She enjoys hiking, traveling, and playing with her dogs.


Ancient Secrets to Relieving Back Pain

Back pain is a big deal. It will affect almost every American over the course of their lifetime, and in many cases, it goes on to become chronic and untreatable. But there is a way to avoid this ailment altogether.

jersey cow

What Miniature Cows Mean for Your Homestead

Petite livestock choices is a cost-effective alternative and could be the answer to helping the self-reliant family achieve food freedom.

Are Bat Houses the Solution to Controlling the Spread of Zika?

Bats are more effective than even the most potent pesticide and could be used to naturally fight against the Zika virus.


Identify Nature With These Cool Apps

All of these apps are under $5 and most of them are free. Take advantage and download the ones that interest you before your next brush with nature!

Packing for Family Vacations is a Breeze With These Organizational Tips

Traveling with kids has a ton of challenges, but with these handy tips, packing their clothes won’t be one of them.

Age Appropriate Chores for Young Children + Chore Chart

We want our children to grow up to be independent and self-reliant. To do so, we must begin teaching them about responsibilities at an early age.


6 Natural Remedies for Sunburn That Aren’t Aloe Vera

As proactive as some of us are at trying to mitigate the harmful effects of the sun, sometimes those warm rays are just too much for our skin, and sunburns occur. While aloe vera is our first go-to product to start the healing process, there are a few other remedies to consider.

Beauty Tip: Eat Fat for Fabulous Skin

You’ll note that all of the fats on this list come from whole, natural foods. Keep this in mind when searching for your fatty skin-fix: when you’re eating real food, you don’t have to feel bad about the fat!

Back to Nature: 5 Tips for Getting Your Kids Outdoors

How do you compete with electronics and entice a kid to spend time outdoors? Here are 5 tips to get your kids back to nature.

Mix and Match: Using Essential Oils to Create Personalized Insect Repellent

If you’re one of the unlucky ones who get eaten alive by bugs during the summer months, you’ve probably spent a small fortune on stinky, chemical-laden insect repellents. A custom blended essential oil is a great way to save money, avoid harsh reactions to unknown ingredients or known allergens, and customize for the particular pests in your area.

summer checklist

Summer Checklist for a Safe and Happy Home

Summer comes with a season-specific checklist for household safety. Take advantage of the longer days and a less intense schedule and go through these 6 tips to keep your household organized, safe, and de-cluttered in the summer months.

Overcome Your Coffee Addiction With This Healthy Alternative

Tired of coffee jitters? Try this alternative! You get the same burst of energy, just without the side effects.

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