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3 Things Sheeple Do That You Don’t Have To

3 Things Sheeple Do That You Don’t Have To

 Do you ever get that feeling like you’re surrounded by automatons, people who merely mimic life, without really living it? Sheeple, as they may be called, are otherwise ordinary folks who’ve adapted particularly well to the workforce/consumer/obedience training...
77 Therapeutic and Household Uses for Hydrogen Peroxide

77 Therapeutic and Household Uses for Hydrogen Peroxide

It’s the liquid you pour onto your finger after you accidentally cut yourself while doing the dishes. It’s what you use to disinfect your child’s knee after a fall, but did you know that there are so many other uses for hydrogen peroxide? Maybe you’ve recognized it by...
7 Super Seeds That Will Change Your Health

7 Super Seeds That Will Change Your Health

By Anna Hunt Sometimes, the best things come in small packages. Nutrient-dense seeds are finally starting to get the attention that they deserve. Packed with healthy fats, protein, fiber and lots of minerals and vitamins, the following seven super seeds are an ideal...
Seed Libraries Fight for the Right to Share

Seed Libraries Fight for the Right to Share

It’s easy to take seeds for granted. Tiny dry pods hidden in packets and sacks, they make a brief appearance as gardeners and farmers collect them for future planting then later drop them into soil. They are not “what’s for dinner,” yet without them, there would be no...
Protecting Yourself from Harmful Smart Meter Radiation

Protecting Yourself from Harmful Smart Meter Radiation

Over the last decade, millions of homes worldwide have been outfitted with smart meters. Power utility companies continue to force smart meters upon the population under the argument that they allow a more accurate and concise measurement of home energy usage, and...

6 Signs you May be an Übermensch

The most spiritual men, as the strongest, find their happiness where others would find their destruction: in the labyrinth, in hardness against themselves and others, in experiments. Their joy is self-conquest: asceticism becomes in them nature, need, and instinct....

These 15 Arguments Will Destroy Chemtrails Deniers

As we approach the end of another year let’s remember that humanity is now subjected to yet another full year of spraying with metal particles. Not just humanity but all the poor creatures on earth are being sprayed; every plant and every tree, the bees and birds, the...