

Thinking About your Neighborhood from a Tactical Perspective

A police presence could be non-existent in a crisis or disaster and it will be back to you and possibly your neighbors to defend your village or neighborhood.


7 Off-grid Projects for Survivalists

When you get disconnected from the grid, your gadgets will become useless once they are drained of their batteries. Here are 7 projects that can be helpful if you are planning to go completely or partially off-grid.


Need to Know Basis: You Only Know What the TV Wants You to Know

The mainstream media is there to put people under a certain impression. To give them their talking points. To tell them what to think and what to think about. It’s there to sway public opinion to focus en masse on what the government wants people to focus on (and not what else of likely greater importance is actually going on).


Too Much of a Sweet Thing? Time For a Sugar Detox

We have a choice in how healthy we want to be. You can always take steps to reverse your health. These six tips will help your sugar detoxing go more smoothly and help your body remove toxic build up from sugar.


I’m not Tight…Just Careful With Money

I get what she was saying, but I really don’t understand the rolling of eyes and the “Oh Mother!!!!” comment when I gave my opinion of things.


14 Facts That Prove That The Number Of Children Living In Poverty This Christmas Is At A Record High

As bad as things are for the children of America right now, they are only going to get worse.


10 Questions Preppers Should Ask The Doctor

You have the right to have things explained in plain English; the more questions you ask, the more your doctor understands that you want to be an active partner in your care.


Extending Your Growing Season in Winter: Can Your Garden Survive the Cold?

If you live in cold weather regions, extending your growing season with hoop houses and cold frames could save your crop and even your life, if it means the difference in whether or not your family has enough food to eat.

Silhouette of airplane with a beautiful sky.

Don’t Fly Without These 20 TSA-Approved Items in Your Prepper’s Carry-on Bag

Here are 20 items you can bring onto a plane without getting tackled to the ground by 3 TSA goons while sirens blare ,lights flash, and the PA system announces that you are a terrorist who was planning to hijack the nearest 747.


U.S. Ranked 30th in the Safest Countries to Give Birth In

Considering the cost of healthcare in the United States and the fact that we lead the world in medical research and development, where neonatal deaths are concerned it seems those things make no difference at all.


Storm Shows Americans Are Totally Unprepared: “I have no food, I have no cash, so I’m trying to forage for something”

One San Francisco resident in particular highlights just how susceptible America is to disasters and what to expect in the event of a widespread emergency.

toffee squares final

12 Days of Christmas Cookies: Toffee Squares

On the second day of Christmas, My true love sent to me Two Toffee Squares, And a cookie shaped like […]

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