Health and Safety

winter cabin

What the Prepper Needs to Know about Emergency Caches and How to Protect Them From the Hordes

Make no mistake: those who prepare this kind of thing beforehand are going to have it a lot easier than those who wait until the last minute or try to do it “post-collapse.”


The Five Worst Articles of Clothing to Wear in a Survival Situation

You should be aware of how these clothing options limit your success of getting through a disaster unscathed when things get rough.

post collapse oral health

Sink Your Teeth Into This: How to Mitigate Dental Pain in a Post-Collapse World

We have a tendency to forget how an innocent tooth issue can quickly exacerbate into a life-threatening emergency. Tooth care is paramount during a long term-disasters and is just as life-threatening as other dangerous issues we would face.

cactus glochids wikimedia

Treating Cactus Injuries Is Harder Than You Think. Here’s Why.

Those thick sharp spines aren’t what you should be worried about. It’s the spines you can’t see that will keep you up at night (literally).

A Prepper’s Guide to Cold Weather Gear: 10 Must-Haves to Stay Warm in the Harshest of Conditions

Having the right gear when exposed to harsh elements is vital to your survival. Get your go-bags prepped for winter with this winter gear guide.


6 Natural Remedies for Sunburn That Aren’t Aloe Vera

As proactive as some of us are at trying to mitigate the harmful effects of the sun, sometimes those warm rays are just too much for our skin, and sunburns occur. While aloe vera is our first go-to product to start the healing process, there are a few other remedies to consider.

If there is such a thing as a wonder plant, hemp is it. Let's take a look at a few ways you can start using hemp today.

5 Incredible Ways You Can Use Hemp

If there is such a thing as a wonder plant, hemp is it. Let’s take a look at a few ways you can start using hemp today.

There is no “quick fix” for your physical conditioning, but proper diet, exercise, and recovery will give you the start on the path toward wellness. #ReadyNutrition #PhysicalWellness #NaturalRemedies

Natural Remedies You Can Use To Help with Workouts

There is no “quick fix” for your physical conditioning, but proper diet, exercise, and recovery will give you the start on the path toward wellness.

Preppers may be known for their beans, bullets, and band-aids, but in a survival situation, they may also want to be known for their vast knowledge of zip-tie uses to get them out of hairy situations. #ReadyNutrition #EmergencyPreparedness #GetPrepped

20 Unexpected Ways Zip Ties Will Save Your Life in an Emergency

Preppers may be known for their beans, bullets, and band-aids, but in a survival situation, they may also want to be known for their vast knowledge of zip-tie uses to get them out of hairy situations.


10 Diseases That Will Become Far More Common After The Collapse

Here are ten diseases that will make their presence felt after a major, long term,disaster be it war, societal collapse or in some cases even an economic downturn.

cyber criminal

Stop Cyber Criminals In Their Tracks With These Helpful Tips

The threat of having your identity stolen has always been there, it’s just that the criminals in our midst have adapted to the times, and there’s no reason why we can’t do the same.


Your Bra Could Be Killing You

The bra industry is a multi-billion-dollar industry dominated by large multinational corporations that have one goal in life: to sell billions of dollars worth of bras. Do they care that they are squeezing and contorting your body in a way that could cause future health problems?

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