Whether you are looking for a lightweight preparedness kit for the car, your family preparedness supplies, or your bug out bag that will have multipurpose tools to use in an emergency, this would be the kit I would recommend.

Prep of the Week: FREE Survival Seeds!
Are you ready to take steps to break free from a dependency-driven system and become a producer instead of a consumer? Here’s your chance!

Prep of the Week: Prepare for the Worst-Case with Top Tier Gear
The folks at Top Tier Gear believe in preparing for the absolute worst-case scenarios and have been stocking items to get preppers ready for nuclear and biological threats, active shooters, and off-grid scenarios. Here’s a sweet deal for Ready Nutrition readers. Check it out!

A Crash Course in Preparedness – Week 2 – Medicine, Sanitation, and Surviving Disaster Diseases
In our newest Crash Course guide, we are placing focus on the issue of what happens after the disaster has passed – sanitation, medicinal emergencies and disaster-related diseases. Simply put, in order to truly live through the disaster, you must understand the dangers that lay in the aftermath. This week 2 guide will help you maneuver through these types of emergencies and prepare for them.

A Crash Course in Preparedness – Week 1 – The Survival Basics
To be prepared, and I mean fully prepared, requires planning, anticipating the worst-case scenario, and training for skill sets you will need while living through the event. You can’t just waltz into your local grocery store, grab some food, batteries, and water and then be done with it. You need to prioritize, plan, and prepare.

National Preparedness Month: A Month of Getting Prepped and Giveaways
In response to this ever-growing need to prepare, Ready Nutrition is gearing up for a month of preparedness. All you have to do is sign up for our newsletter and leave a comment in one of our weekly National Preparedness articles about what you feel the most important aspect of being prepared is in the bottom of the article.

Get Prepped: The Hurricane Primer
It only takes one hurricane for victims to see how quickly their lives can change. The time to prepare for this natural disaster is now and this primer will help get you started.

10,000 Facebook Likes Epic Giveaway
You won’t want to miss this epic summer giveaway. Some of the biggest brand names in self-reliant and outdoor living have kindly donated prizes. With one thousand dollars in prizes, you could be one of the 26 winners! Sign up today!

Enter to Win a 1 Month Supply of Fruit For Your Prepper Pantry
Leave a comment and let us know how you store fruits and vegetables in your prepper pantry and you are automatically entered in a giveaway to win an EasyPrep Fruit Fest with 78 servings of 5 fruit varieties.