Over the course of centuries, tobacco was hailed for it’s medicinal uses and cures. But in today’s world, the tobacco plant has a really bad reputation. But it has more uses than just for smoking and chewing. In fact, any person who is planning for a long term emergency situation should have a stock of tobacco, not only for it’s bartering potential, but also for it’s assistance in gardens, as well as for it’s medicinal purposes.
Natural Living
Life is a journey that starts with small, achievable goals. Get inspired and explore our natural living resources on dietary wellness, physical wellness, natural medicine, and learn more about how health supplements can improve your wellbeing so you can live your best life yet.
It’s All Flower Power: 10 Popular Plants That Repel Mosquitoes
Start repelling those pesky mosquitos by strategic flower placement! These 10 popular herbs and flowers will keep the mosquitos away and your yard looking beautiful!
James Rawles: Salt Will Be The #1 Bartering Item
Salt is a valuable commodity that could become hard to come by in a long term disaster situation. In Ancient Rome, salt was used as a form of currency because of it’s importance in preserving food. In fact, it is still used today as a form of currency in some parts of Africa.
Keep Your Kitchen Like Julia Child
There’s a lot to learn from how Child arranged her own personal kitchen and how to bring out the master chef in your humble household.
Kick Your Meals Up With DIY Sriracha Sauce
For the last few years, I have purchased the store version of this chili sauce until I realized that I can easily make it on my own and enjoy the health properties it possesses.
Large Study Reveals the Importance of Sunshine on Health
A major new study has shown that those who avoid sunshine are twice as likely to die than those who sunbathe every day.
Light Pollution: An Unexpected Killer
Do yourself a favour, buy some decent curtains, watch TV in the lounge and leave your laptop in it’s bag…your body will thank you for it.
Long-Term Disaster Training: A Primer on Prepping Your Body
If you aren’t in good physical shape before a long-term emergency, you could be setting yourself up for a disaster.
Lyme Disease Has Reached Epidemic Levels
Without knowing what it entails or how it’s caused, you could be carrying the worsening symptoms and not know why your health is failing in so many ways.
Major Study Finds Organic Food Has Significant Health Benefits
In the largest study of its kind, an international team of experts led by Newcastle University, UK, has shown that organic crops and crop-based foods are up to 69% higher in a number of key antioxidants than conventionally-grown crops.
Make Vinegar From Apples
In the children’s classics, Little House on the Prairie, readers fell in love with the Ingall’s family, and especially Ma’s cooking. Her recipes were frontier food, where everything was used, nothing wasted. Here is a classic recipe for apple core vinegar. A recipe, every family should have on hand to use for cooking, as well as medicinal uses.
Kids Were Rarely Allergic To Things In The Old Days
I didn’t really want to watch it, but we were visiting Delores and her lot and she “simply had to see it’ Pah…Delores always has to ‘simply have’ something or other!