Because families can be separated following major disasters, having an established emergency rally point to regroup will help families reunite faster. Follow these tips and make sure this is added to your emergency preparedness plans.
Preparedness Mindset
When Survival is at Stake, Your Animalistic Instincts Could Save Your Life
In a survival situation, what will you be the predator or the prey?
This Ancient Remedy Is Still One of the Most Powerful Compounds for Health
Curcumin has been used in India and the Far East for thousands of years quite effectively against dozens…I repeat, dozens…of different ailments, from Crohn’s disease to Cancer.
Surviving a Mad Max World: How To Avoid Marauders and Looters After the Collapse
A mad max scenario is one of the worst-case scenarios one can prepare for. The adage “if you can’t protect you don’t own it” rings true in this case. Long-term survival plans that reflect this type of disaster suggest preppers getting away from urban and suburban living and heading for hills. While this would be the safest option, there are dangers that lurk for those who plan to “live off the land.” Because in a post-collapse world – they will come for all that you own.
Top 10 Prepper Articles of 2017
This time of year takes me into deep contemplation. Have I accomplished all that I set out to do this […]
The Art of Reconnaissance: How to Improve your Viewpoint
There are challenges when conducting reconnaissance. Gain a better viewpoint and master these basics.
Ready Nutrition Holiday 2017 Gift Guide
Just in time for cyber Monday, here is your ultimate 2017 gift-giving guide for your favorite prepper and homesteader.
Stay in Shape: How to Winterize Your Home Gym
Don’t stop physically training just because it is cold outside. Here are some tips for taking the bite out of frigid outdoor workouts.
Blood is Not Always Thicker Than Water: Why Some Family Members Shouldn’t Be Considered for the Prepper Group
The saying that “blood is thicker than water” is true, and many times teams of more than one family will be ruined because one or more of the family members…incorrigibles, if you will…are factored into the teams when everyone knows full well they cannot be depended upon.
Know Your Enemy: 9 Prepper Truths You Need for Defense Preparations
Know the things that drive us (from positive and negative drives), and understand these inherent weaknesses and drives are common to all mankind. When you have that base covered, conduct good intelligence…it is not found…it is made. Make good intelligence out of recon conducted on your enemy…those that threaten your home and family.
Think Before You Speak: Daily Situational Training
Camouflage yourself in your everyday life: anything “different” can be perceived as a threat against the herd, and the herd is not a herd of cattle but a pack of wolves.