By this time (long in the tooth/late in the game) you should have already formulated a plan…a “Plan B” if you wish for where to run. If you have not, you need to consider these criteria. Many of you (especially the naysayers, skeptics, and trolls) will “what if” these criteria to death. Use the basics and apply them to the situation that arises.
- How far away is either national forest or woods to retreat into?
- Does the area you plan on fleeing to have a water supply, food (in the form of game or forage), isolated from groups of people, and out of the radius of the initial event (hurricane, nuclear attack, etc.)?
- Can you reach it? This takes into consideration your route planning…using the road, waterways, or possibly an air escape. Traffic patterns, viable roads, and gridlock must be factored into your planning.
- Will you be alone or will other families be with you, and/or waiting for your arrival?
This last part is very important. It is one thing to plan on going to a safer area, but it is quite another to have one prepared and waiting for you. Now is the time to act on things. Now is the time to formulate a good, solid plan of action and stick to it when the time arrives. Do not suffer from the “paralysis of analysis,” because you can plan for years and then fail when the time comes to make a decision to act.
There are too many factors to be able to list in under ten pages single-spaced. We’re trying to generate some ideas and also to stimulate thought toward a viable plan. When the SHTF arrives? Here’s a good rule of thumb to follow: Everybody will be “needy” and need what you have, and you will need the things that others have.
That house out in the country by the Everglades where your cousin lives? Maybe a good time to see what you can contribute to it and what kind of alliance you can form. You need to do your research and find out about uninhabited cabins in parks and recreational areas. Do your research and find out about hotels or travel lodges that are beginning to shut down with the close of the summer. As survivalists, you understand the physical needs of material support and safety for your families. Now is the time to research a place to flee to if need be.
Here’s a “spark” for the mind: What if more than one thing happens?
Chances are one thing may spark other things, such as a nuclear war may trigger large fires of the likes of which we’re experiencing currently in the northwest. You may have multiple problems to deal with, and if you have to abandon ship (your home) you want to have a place to go, already planned out if not stocked up and prepared.
Planning promotes a good follow-through. Formulate that plan and inventory your equipment. Don’t just plan on one location to flee to: you should have multiple locations. You may flee your town to avoid a nuclear war, only to find you end up in an area where forest fires have been raging for months. Game it out at every angle, and start gaming it now. I can’t even tell you how many people e-mail me their desires to leave their home state. I make a suggestion, and they say, “Well, we’ll have to wait and see.” Then they give me their reasons.
When a disaster happens, the reasons for not preparing for it will not be good enough and do not provide for the bottom lines…what you and your family need to survive. Having a place set up to run to is prudent, plain and simple. Now is the time to put that backup retreat location in order, not after the SHTF. In the end, when the music stops playing, you’ll want a chair to sit down in. Keep fighting that good fight. JJ out!
Are there really enough places for more than 323 million Americans?
And would relocating from one place to another really be the solution to a Shtf event?
For most of those 323 million, no. The vast majority of them would not be self-sufficient in any way. They are habitually dependent on The System to keep them alive. They’d be dying in the woods instead of dying in the city. They probably know that, so wouldn’t bother bugging out. A BOL is really only for someone capable of living there — that is, staying alive there.
Many who will bug out will go at the last minute because of their jobs in cities or family ties to extended family. We are moving into an apt. soon and selling house to simplify and be ready if things go down hill and we have to leave area. We have downsized over past year and are living a minimalist lifestyle (less stuff). Still finding stuff here and there to donate/sell. I rec folks downsize and declutter stuff not needed.
IF SHTF there are some things wh R unvversal:
1. you will not survive in a city
2. you will need to get out b4 SHTF
3. gvt will not B yer friend
4. NGs will not be yer friend, IF they even show up!
5. cops will stay home to guard families
6 U R on yer own
7. Mjr Roads and all freeways will be blocked by NGs or dead cars or looters
8. there will be NO electric grid..yer CCs will not work.
9. Bitcoin will not work
10 . you DO have cash and gold AND SILVER TO BARTER..DON’T YOU?
11;. Can you find good water or purify it?
12. YOU can DEFEND YERSELF, can you not?
If you answer no, you better get to work asap
Well stated the 4 P’s will kill you every time, pay attention to what’s going on and use your common sense ~ you have to go before everyone else does and best before the SHTF.
JJ made some great point here about locations to look at, but you have to get there and get there FIRST!! Tight 360 24/7