Family Preparedness


The Winter of 1962-1963

By the start of October 1963 I had enough food at Knowle that I could feed a battalion for six months! There was a huge wood supply in a shed Ern built in the garden and we had two more water barrels, just to be on the safe side. No point in going through something like that unless you learn from it.

These Prepper Essentials Are What You Need to Continue Training After the SHTF

Never stop the training. Even after the world comes to a screeching halt, do not stop.

situational training

Think Before You Speak: Daily Situational Training

Camouflage yourself in your everyday life: anything “different” can be perceived as a threat against the herd, and the herd is not a herd of cattle but a pack of wolves.


This Archaic Bug Out Location Could Be Your Only Option

A cave may be something to use as a fallback retreat that may provide you and your family just what you need from either a temporary or a permanent perspective after the SHTF.

This Is How You Prevent Dehydration During the Hottest Time of the Year

We’re coming upon the hottest time of the year and knowing how to prevent heat-related injuries is crucial to your survival.

child with gun

This Is Why You Shouldn’t Shelter Your Children From Guns

Is sheltering your kids from firearms really the best way to keep them from hurting themselves and others?

Three Basic Exercises To Help You Increase Strength and Mobility

Maybe you don’t consider yourself athletic, and maybe you haven’t worked out in years, but there is no good reason to let that hold you back from doing daily exercises now so that you can help yourself and your family when it counts. Here are three basic exercises that you can implement into your daily routine today!

Knife stuck into a tree in forest

Three Important Considerations of a Good Survival Knife

The tools you carry into a survival situation could make you or break you. Here is a primer on what you need to know to make the best choice for your survival knife.

Three Preps Your SHTF Stockpile Cannot Do Without

We can have all the preps in the world, but without these three items in your stockpile, your prepping is in vain.


Tips For The Caffeinated: Coffee After The SHTF

If you are anything like me, there’s nothing like that first sip of piping hot coffee in the crisp, cool, and silent morning mountain air, then you’ll understand the importance of making sure you’ve got your ‘cup of joe’ covered, even if the SHTF. Here are some tips and tricks to prepare for the worst, while still making sure you continue to enjoy the simple things in life – like your morning coffee.

top ten articles

Top 10 Prepper Articles of 2017

This time of year takes me into deep contemplation. Have I accomplished all that I set out to do this […]


Top 10 Things You Need to Know About Water in an Emergency

After the initial danger from an earthquake or hurricane or other disaster has passed, the most significant risk to your family’s health could very likely be contaminated water.

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