If it hadn’t been for the tried and tested methods my mother passed down to me we really would have had times when the kids went to bed hungry or as a family we suffered from malnutrition!
Is your home prepared for life’s emergencies? A disaster of any kind rarely stops with the initial event and has the capacity to last days or longer. Because of this, it is important to have a well-rounded approach to your preparedness efforts. Our research-based resources on emergency scenarios, emergency checklists, and disaster scenarios offer family-based preparedness advice to create a multi-layered approach so your family can be prepared for anything! Learn more about survival food, potable water, safety and security issues, how to live in an off-grid environment with alternative power and how to get your pet prepared for emergencies.
Consider This Your LAST Wake-Up Call – James Wesley Rawles
Ebola is beginning to spread and we all need to either ramp-up our efforts or get very serious about laying in some preps as some items are already unavailable or in very short supply.
Contagion Blast Radius: How Far Can Ebola Droplets Travel?
Studies are finding that sneezes and coughs cause illnesses to travel much farther than originally estimated. With the concern of flu season, as well as the heightened awareness of Ebola, it is crucial to have an understanding of germs and how quickly they can travel in a community setting.
Coping with Depression and Stress When the SHTF
Psychological issues are prominent in our society and because many rely on medications to cope, they may not be ready to deal with the aftermath of a disaster. This article outlines the most likely psychological issues to be aware of and ways to coping in a grid down/societal collapse period when there will be plenty of stressors to adversely affect you.
Could A Nuclear War In Asia Effect You? Absolutely
Any nuclear weapons detonated in East Asia could produce a cloud of fallout that would reach us. It wouldn’t be cataclysmic, but it would be dangerous.
Could the Latest Solar Storm Warnings Bring an End to Civilization as We Know It?
If federal officials are preparing for a massive solar storm, then we have enough reason to arm ourselves with the knowledge of what we might face. Here are 5 catastrophic consequences of a major CME hitting the Earth.
Could This Be the Perfect Generator for Preppers?
These machines are extremely versatile, very small and quiet, simple, and pretty cheap and easy to build. In fact, if there were a cataclysmic collapse of civilization, this is the one engine that anyone could build from scrap.
Cover the Basics: 8 Prepper Tools to Get You Through a Disaster
The following products are the basic items a prepper can use that will help prepare to live and thrive in the aftermath of a disaster. These products encompass your very basic needs and will provide you with the beginnings of a solid collection of prepping tools.
Creating a Prepper Group: How To Assess Family Members During a Crisis
As a survivor, you will need to wear “many hats” on the team (your family) that you’re a part of. Knowing how to assess family members for certain tasks will make for a stronger group.
Communicating During A Disaster: Emergency Radios And Frequencies Guide
If your spouse and children are away from home when disaster strikes, would you be able to communicate with them and help guide them home?