Some of the scenarios outlined below may be frightening, as they should be because when it hits the fan millions of people will be thrown into desperation with no hope of a solution.
Is your home prepared for life’s emergencies? A disaster of any kind rarely stops with the initial event and has the capacity to last days or longer. Because of this, it is important to have a well-rounded approach to your preparedness efforts. Our research-based resources on emergency scenarios, emergency checklists, and disaster scenarios offer family-based preparedness advice to create a multi-layered approach so your family can be prepared for anything! Learn more about survival food, potable water, safety and security issues, how to live in an off-grid environment with alternative power and how to get your pet prepared for emergencies.
How Martial Law Will Lead to the Creation of the Totalitarian States of America
Do not either be complacent or fall into a state of denial. These things are metastasizing before our very eyes. All that is needed is a spark to kindle the bonfire.
How Pine Pollen Can Be Used as a Super Food
While pine pollen has been known to exacerbate our allergies, it is a powerhouse of nutrients and has a plethora of health benefits.
How Prepared Does the Government Want You to Be?
The thought of you actually surviving on your own for more than a weekend must be abhorrent to them.
How Scientists Plan to Feed Billions Without the Help of the Sun
Following a massive volcanic eruption, worldwide famine would quickly follow due to the ash blocking the sun. Scientists are looking into food growing alternatives in order to feed billions worldwide. Can it be done?
How The “Dacha Farms” Made Russia Self-Sufficient
Since they aren’t so reliant on a centralized logistical infrastructure like most American farms, they will be able to keep feeding the population through just about any disaster.
How To Avoid Financial Scammers After A Disaster
Natural disasters bring out the best in some people, but the worst in others. As the nation grapples with the aftermath of Hurricane Florence, victims of the storm’s wrath should also be on alert to avoid becoming victims of financial scammers looking to make a quick buck off those who have already lost so much.
How to be a Prepper…But Not One of Those Crazy Ones
Did you ever think about dipping your big toe into the waters of “prepping” but it just all sounded so “out there” that you weren’t quite sure it was something you wanted to be involved in? Then this is the guide for you.
How To Best Prepare Yourself For The Coming Financial Crisis
Many financial analysts believe the United States economy is in a dire situation. Peter Schiff, who accurately predicted the 2008 recession has come out and declared we will all live through another Great Depression, only this time, it’ll be much worse than before. But there are ways to prepare for such an event, and we’ve gathered some helpful tips and tricks to help make the process a little more smooth.
How Much Time Would You Have to Prepare for a Supervolcano?
Supervolcanoes would provide a few warning signs that would give us a fairly definite timeline before they go off.