
Is your home prepared for life’s emergencies? A disaster of any kind rarely stops with the initial event and has the capacity to last days or longer. Because of this, it is important to have a well-rounded approach to your preparedness efforts. Our research-based resources on emergency scenarios, emergency checklists, and disaster scenarios offer family-based preparedness advice to create a multi-layered approach so your family can be prepared for anything! Learn more about survival food, potable water, safety and security issues, how to live in an off-grid environment with alternative power and how to get your pet prepared for emergencies.

The Art of Reconnaissance: How to Improve your Viewpoint

There are challenges when conducting reconnaissance. Gain a better viewpoint and master these basics.

Whatever can go wrong will go wrong

The Austerity Diaries: Everything That Can Go Wrong, Will

By learning to turn a negative situation into a more positive experience, we become stronger and more adaptable. That’s what survival is all about.

spending freeze

The Austerity Diaries: How Long Can You Go Without Spending Money?

Can you go for an entire week without spending money?

How Saving Money Is Better Than Earning It

The Austerity Diaries: How Saving Money Is Better Than Earning It

The best way to save money is to spend time.

making hay while the sun is shining

The Austerity Diaries: Making Hay While the Sun Shines

With the advent of “progress” we now live in a society in which nothing is really that urgent to most folks. But is this really progress?

two men in bib overalls greet each other in a garden with a handshake

The Barter Value of Skills

When a long-term or extended emergency occurs, no one can do it alone – there is always going to be something you need that you can’t provide for yourself. Before the emergency event occurs, it’s time to consider what abilities and knowledge you possess that can be shared with others.

herbal aids 1

The Basics on Making Herbal Aids for Pets

Herbs can be very beneficial for your pets for the same reasons they can help you: they are not as invasive nor addictive as pharmacological medications, and they have less side effects when administered properly and correctly.

The Beginners Guide to Hunting

Hunting is not a step backward: it is a big step back toward reclaiming the heritage that is ours – yours and mine – of when Americans were not only socially conscious but self-sufficient.

The Best Advice in Preparing for Hurricanes and Tropical Storms

Pre-season preparations for hurricanes are key in ensuring your family’s safety. These hurricane preparedness tips are your best shot at getting everything you need.

Frosty cranberries in a bowl.  Shallow dof, extremely sharp focus.

The Best and the Worst Foods to Freeze for Long Term Storage

Some of us are using the freezer as our main source for food storage. Know in advance which foods freeze the best and which ones to avoid to help you maintain a well-stocked, but frozen food source.


The Best Firewood For Heating

We had an awful lot of trees to choose from to burn in the range, and some were far better than others.

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The Best of Ready Nutrition 2013

A look back to the most widely received article in 2013 from Ready Nutrition.

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