
Is your home prepared for life’s emergencies? A disaster of any kind rarely stops with the initial event and has the capacity to last days or longer. Because of this, it is important to have a well-rounded approach to your preparedness efforts. Our research-based resources on emergency scenarios, emergency checklists, and disaster scenarios offer family-based preparedness advice to create a multi-layered approach so your family can be prepared for anything! Learn more about survival food, potable water, safety and security issues, how to live in an off-grid environment with alternative power and how to get your pet prepared for emergencies.

The Importance of Being Prepared

Preparedness is not something that is reserved for those who are fanatic or obsessive; it is something that is important for anyone who cares about protecting their life, and the lives of those close to them in the face of a future that will forever remain a mystery.


The Importance of Firearms Maintenance in the Wintertime

Did you know that metal tends to “sweat” with a change in temperature? In order to take good care of your firearms, make sure you do this maintenance once a week.

The Incredible Edible Dandelion: Using This Weed to the Fullest

With so many gifts to offer, it would be wise to take advantage of the dandelions growing wild in your yard.

Military MRE Spaghetti Wrapper

The Ins and Outs of MRE’s

Having a supply of MRE’s and high calorie bars in your preparedness supplies can help assist in sustaining your immediate needs if you happen to be in an emergency situation where you are away from your supplies or in a bug out situation.

stainless trekker kit

The Kelly Kettle Giveaway: A Must Have For Your Prepper Gear

The Kelly Kettle is an ideal product for off grid cooking. Read all about this great product and enter for a chance to win one!

lemon lady

The Lemon Lady: A True Story of How Bartering Pays Off

In this day and age, bartering is coming more into focus. When good bartering relationships are forged, they become dependable, solid relationships where goods are honestly sold. Ruby Burks shares how a chance encounter started a long-time bartering friendship.

shtf alcohol

The Many SHTF Uses for Alcohol

Alcohol is a very valuable commodity that has many uses now and will be invaluable during a long-term disaster. When used responsibly and safely, it can give you a powerful edge with everything from powering engines, to making medicines and even starting a fire.

We live in an era of "fast fashion" where things are of abysmal quality, super low in cost, but mass-produced to keep up with the latest trends. 

The Monthly Mending Session

My children had a roof over their heads, food in their belly and a warm bed at night and they were grateful for that, anything else was a bonus.

poisonous plants

The Most Poisonous Plants and How to Recognize Them

Next time you head outside keep your eyes out for these toxic plants, some of which are some of the most poisonous in the world.

The Natural Pantry: A Long-Term Storage Guide for Honey

Honey has the capacity to last a lifetime – but there is no guarantee it will. If improperly stored, it can crystallize, ferment and go bad. This article will explain, what, when and why’s of how to perfectly store your honey for long-term use, as well as explain what mistakes to avoid.

out with the old

The New Year: Train on the Old, and in with the New

Now that the “old” year is coming to an end, we will need to take the lessons learned from this past year and (remember: refresh on study continually!) and keep them close to mind and heart. Such is necessary as a base and foundation for things we cover next year.

nuclear power plant2

The Next Fukushima? These Nuclear Power Plants Reside in Earthquake Zones

These are nuclear reactors that “face a level of seismic risk that’s greater than what they’re currently equipped to withstand,”

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