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Your Ancestors Had Some Hard Core Survival Instincts… This is How You Can Get Back to Your Roots

When we were hunter-gatherers and even after human settlements such as towns and villages were established thousands of years ago…our ancestors used all of their senses. All of them.

5 Tips to Put Your Bug Out Bag on a Diet

5 Tips to Put Your Bug Out Bag on a Diet

If you have a bug out bag packed and waiting, it might be time to reevaluate what’s inside it and lighten things up a little while you’re still able to easily.

Vegetable Garden Kit
Bartering in a Post-Collapse Society

Bartering in a Post-Collapse Society

Great discrepancies can exist in times of barter that are usually dictated by supply and demand, particularly regarding the needs of the buyer and the seller.

Do You Know How to Make Fire From Ice?

Do You Know How to Make Fire From Ice?

Trying to make fire from ice isn’t as easy as everyone makes it out to be. It’s not as simple as shaping a piece of ice into a lens and letting the sun shine through it.

Do You Know How to Make Fire From Ice?

Do You Know How to Make Fire From Ice?

Trying to make fire from ice isn’t as easy as everyone makes it out to be. It’s not as simple as shaping a piece of ice into a lens and letting the sun shine through it.

How To Score Free Groceries (Seriously)

How To Score Free Groceries (Seriously)

Here’s some excellent advice that can help you trim down your grocery bill and provide some extra cash for survival gear or preps you will make in your home.

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5 Foods that Help to Naturally Prevent Radiation Poisoning

5 Foods that Help to Naturally Prevent Radiation Poisoning

Not since the fall of the Soviet Union have we faced so dangerous and precipitous times that can escalate into a world war in so many theaters at once. With the stakes running high, it’s time you know these 5 natural foods that can be used both preventively and to detoxify after the body has absorbed harmful radiation.

Are You Ready Series: Earthquake Preparedness

Are You Ready Series: Earthquake Preparedness

Earthquakes have a tendency to wreak havoc everywhere they arise. Knowing what to do, before a disaster such as this ensues, will ensure that you will be able handle these types of emergencies if they happen to come your way.

11 Emergency Food Items That Can Last a Lifetime

11 Emergency Food Items That Can Last a Lifetime

Many see storing food as a necessary investment for themselves and their family. Knowing which foods to store and how long they will last are the key elements to making the most on a food investment. These 11 food items can last a lifetime if properly stored.

Bugging Out: Training Is What Really Prepares You For the Real Thing

Bugging Out: Training Is What Really Prepares You For the Real Thing

No matter what kind of shape you think you’re in, training to bug out on foot and being prepared for the unique stresses it puts on your body is best accomplished practicing often with the actual gear and in the setting you’re most likely to find yourself when the SHTF.

5 Reasons You Should Be Preparing

5 Reasons You Should Be Preparing

If there is one thing we can say about our current economic, financial, social and political climate it’s that we have entered an era in human history of total unpredictability.

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