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Reduce Waste: How To Make The Most Of Your Autumn Leaves

The end of the summer garden is always bittersweet for me. I miss my daily fresh cut lettuce but I also love the falling leaves and bright reds and oranges of autumn. Luckily, those fallen leaves are more than just pleasing to look at. In this helpful guide, we’ll walk you through a few easy ways to use your fallen autumn leaves as a zero waste and cheaper options around your place.

5 Ways Trash Helps Grow Your Garden

You don’t have to spend a fortune at the nursery or garden supply center to have a happy and healthy garden. There are a few things you probably have lying around the house that can put some extra green in your thumb—and many of them are items you might otherwise consider trash!

6 Essential Food Types To Grow Your Own Food Pantry

6 Essential Food Types To Grow Your Own Food Pantry

Commercial food sources have become contaminated with genetically-modified foods, hormones/antibiotics, pesticides and neurotoxins. This is no way to keep your family healthy. Your food pantry should be stocked with healthy foods, and growing them yourself may be the only option left.


A Growing Guide For Small Sugar Pumpkins

A Growing Guide For Small Sugar Pumpkins

Small sugar pumpkins are a perfect addition to any autumn lovers garden! Perfectly sweet or savory, based on your personal preference, these cute little pumpkins offer a nutritious treat without the tricks!

Survival Food Series: 25 Survival Seeds You Need For Your Garden

Survival Food Series: 25 Survival Seeds You Need For Your Garden

Living off the land sounds as inviting as Christmas dinner. But many have hardly had adequate experience being “farmers.” In fact, many have had no experience at all when it comes to planting anything. That being said, the day is slowly approaching where each of us may have to trade in our company identification badges for a shovel and a pair of overalls.


Black Gold: Add Nutrients to the Garden – The Easy Way!

Black Gold: Add Nutrients to the Garden – The Easy Way!

Black gold is the product of vermicomposting—or, in simple terms, it’s the rich, black stuff that comes out the back end of a worm. This so-called “super soil” has many benefits and it only takes a little bit of work to build your own worm farm and start getting a constant supply.

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DIY Home Cooling Techniques

DIY Home Cooling Techniques

Whether your air conditioner went kaput due to a weather disaster or you prefer to “rough it” and not use the appliance, you can still keep your home cool!

DIY Faraday Cage Ideas

DIY Faraday Cage Ideas

Learn 5 different ways you can make a Faraday cage to protect your priority devices from an EMP strike or solar flare.

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The Austerity Diaries

The Austerity Diaries

Refuse to take part in the nation’s economic collapse. Take control of your life by taking control of meeting your own needs.

The Monthly Mending Session

The Monthly Mending Session

My children had a roof over their heads, food in their belly and a warm bed at night and they were grateful for that, anything else was a bonus.

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Foraging For Edible Weeds

Foraging For Edible Weeds

When food is scarce, chaos and fear begin to set in. Foraging for food in the most unlikely places can solve the starvation dilemma. Here are the top most common edible weeds.


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