If you want your dog to protect your property while you’re away, there are a few things you can do that make it easier for the dog to do his job while you’re gone.
Sustainable in the City
How Micro Livestock Can Be Used For Suburban and Rural Sustainability
The pros and cons of raising livestock, which breeds are most popular and why raising livestock are not only good for your pocketbook, but also a great way of learning to be more self-reliant.
How to Desalinate Water and How It Could Change the Water Crisis
Whether the water delivery system stops functioning, or the water supply becomes tainted, you can practically guarantee that our precious H2O will become a hot commodity during a crises.
How To Grow Vegetables Year-Round in Container Gardens
If you are short on garden space or want to plant a few more vegetable varieties this year, why not add some interest to your patio or deck?
How To Prepare an Herb Garden in Winter
Spring will be here before you know it, so get those green thumbs moving! Here is some great information for starting your herb garden indoors to get a head start.
How To Re-Purpose Used Motor Oil
Before you throw out that pan of used motor oil, think about the different ways you could reuse it. Check out these ideas here.
Identify Nature With These Cool Apps
All of these apps are under $5 and most of them are free. Take advantage and download the ones that interest you before your next brush with nature!
Infographic: What Does Organic Really Mean?
It seems that the meaning of the term “organic” lies in the eye of the beholder. According to this shocking infographic, it seems that our commercialized food sources are not held to the same standards that those who produce their own food sources are.
Jumpstart Your Garden: Regrow Vegetable Food Scraps
Try out these simple kitchen-back-to-garden tricks just for the experience or to boost your food production and shorten the cycle of germination–to–dinner plate.
New Indoor Farming Device Can Grow Food With 95% Less Water
Someday, we may all be able to grow at least some of our own food, no matter how small our homes are, and no matter how scarce our water is.