“Certified Organic”: The Conspiracy Against Natural Foods

Daisy Luther | Comments (1) | Reader Views (2683)

Article originally posted at The Organic Prepper


What does the word “organic” really mean?


adjective \ȯr-ˈga-nik\

(1) : of, relating to, or derived from living organisms<organic evolution> (2) : of, relating to, yielding, or involving the use of food produced with the use of feed or fertilizer of plant or animal origin without employment of chemically formulated fertilizers, growth stimulants, antibiotics, or pesticides <organic farming> <organic produce>

Huh.  That definition doesn’t even mention the word “certified” or “the FDA” or “the United Nations”.  Does that mean those entities don’t actually have to be involved for food to be truly pure and organic? It seems to indicate a method of farming, rather than a regulatory certification.

The major reason that organic food has become so expensive is because of a conspiracy of government intervention, the United Nations and the best interests of Big Agri/Big Pharma. These groups, in all of their benevolent wisdom, decided that a certification process was necessary.  This process is, at first glance, a money grab.  Farmers most follow specific regulations and pay exorbitant fees to get this certification to be able to place a label on their food that says “Organic”.  In fact, commercial use of the term is legally restricted in many countries across the globe.  The government has taken ownership of the concept of natural food.

The concept of “certified organic” goes deeper, though, than a display of governmental avarice.  It’s a weapon in the hostile takeover of the food supply, ala Codex Alimentarius.  Here are a few highlights of Codex, according to a  Natural News article by Dr. Gregory D’Amato:

* All nutrients (vitamins and minerals) are to be considered toxins/poisons and are to be removed from all food because Codex prohibits the use of nutrients to “prevent, treat or cure any condition or disease”

* All food (including organic) is to be irradiated, removing all toxic nutrients from food (unless eaten locally and raw).

* Nutrients allowed will be limited to a Positive List developed by Codex which will include such beneficial nutrients like Fluoride (3.8 mg daily) developed from environmental waste. All other nutrients will be prohibited nationally and internationally to all Codex-compliant countries [2].

* All nutrients (e.g., CoQ10, Vitamins A, B, C, D, Zinc and Magnesium) that have any positive health impact on the body will be deemed illegal under Codex and are to be reduced to amounts negligible to humans’ health [3].

* All advice on nutrition (including written online or journal articles or oral advice to a friend, family member or anyone) will be illegal.

* All dairy cows are to be treated with Monsanto’s recombinant bovine growth hormone.

* All animals used for food are to be treated with potent antibiotics and exogenous growth hormones.

* The reintroduction of deadly and carcinogenic organic pesticides that in 1991, 176 countries (including the U.S.) have banned worldwide including 7 of the 12 worst at the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pesticides (e.g., Hexachlorobenzene, Toxaphene, and Aldrin) will be allowed back into food at elevated levels [4].

* Dangerous and toxic levels (0.5 ppb) of aflotoxin in milk produced from moldy storage conditions of animal feed will be allowed. Aflotoxin is the second most potent (non-radiation) carcinogenic compound known to man.

* Mandatory use of growth hormones and antibiotics on all food herds, fish and flocks

* Worldwide implementation of unlabeled GMOs into crops, animals, fish and trees.

As you can see, the governmental interference seems aimed at making our food supply less healthy, instead of more healthy.

Part of the way they aim to force unhealthy modified food-like substances on the populace is by making the price of pure organic food out of reach for the average person.  In a full frontal media assault, Dr. Oz (who must be on the payroll of Monsanto and Dow) made it sound ridiculous and snobbish to seek these healthier options in an offensive essay published by Time Magazine and analyzed by Mike Adams of Natural News.

“I consider it a public-health service to the consumer who has to feed a family of five or the person who wants to make all the right choices and instead is alienated and dejected because the marketing of healthy foods too often blurs into elitism, with all the expense and culinary affectation that implies.

We know more about the connection between food and health than ever before — down to the molecular level, actually. This has provided us the curious luxury of being fussy, even snooty, about what we eat, considering some foods, well, below our station. That’s silly. Food isn’t about cachet. It’s about nourishment, pleasure and the profound well-being that comes from the way meals draw us together.”

~ Dr. Mehmet Oz

Since making organic food outrageously expensive wasn’t enough to deter a quickly-awakening populace, the blatant propaganda war has begun.

Even more insidious are the armed raids being performed by the FDA thugs in full SWAT regalia, where Mennonite farmers selling raw milk are treated like dirty crackheads cooking up crystal meth in the basement, health food store employees are treated like terrorists and a lady selling natural pet food is literally imprisoned, complete with leg shackles, for nearly six months.  You can see the timeline of these FDA raids here. Many of the victims targeted by the FDA mafia enforcers have been driven out of business.

Does this mean that clean and healthy food will be financially out of reach or unavailable for all of us?  Although that appears to be the objective of the Powers That Be, there are ways around it (in most areas).

First of all – forget about “certified organic” as the pinnacle of clean food.  Look instead of “organically grown.”  This won’t be on the labels, as the FDA has appropriated that word but by definition a food is organically grown if it is grown or processed without any synthetic fertilizers or pesticides.  At this point, the US and Canada both prohibit foods containing GMOs from being labeled “organic” and considering that most genetic modifications are to allow the crop to be sprayed with greater abandon, you are likely to be safe.  Some farmers who use organic growing practices have opted out of the “certified organic” program because of the expense and intrusions.  Focus on how the food was grown, not on what the label says.

Finding out how a food was farmed will require some research and footwork, and you run the risk of the folks at the farmer’s market rolling their eyes at you as they see you come down the aisle with your wagon.

  • Make friends with a farmer. The best way to learn about the origins of your food is to engage in conversation with the farmer whenever possible.  At my old farmer’s market, I struck up a friendship with a couple of the farmers there and was able to learn what had been sprayed and what had not.  I was also able to find out precisely what fertilizers were used, if that was applicable, so that I could research on my own whether or not that food should make it into our larder.  I was able to make informed decisions about my purchases this way. I also made my bulk purchase of beef after making the acquaintance of a Mennonite farmer who used no hormones or antibiotics for his cattle, and allowed them to graze naturally in a field.
  • Join a local farm co-op or CSA.  Co-ops and CSAs (Community Supported Agriculture) generally encourage participation from the recipients of the goodies and many will even allow you to help out, hands on.  (This is also a great way to learn more about growing your own veggies!)
  • Call the company.  If you don’t have a source of wheat, for example, in your area, search for one that ships in quantity.  If you are able to buy directly from the grower, then you can strike up an email or telephone conversation similar to the one at the farmer’s market.  Otherwise, if you are going through a third party, address your questions to them and ask for information about the grower.  You may not be able to get in direct contact with the farmer but a simple internet search can tell you whether GMO seeds are common for a particular crop in that part of the world, what pesticides are approved for use (and their effects) plus other concerns you may have about the purity of your intended purchase.  It’s time consuming, but far better than blindly buying a package off the shelf of your grocery store.
  • Grow your own.  You can grow an amazing amount of produce on a quarter acre city backyard and when you grow it yourself, you are in control of the food from seed to plate.  Forget flowers – grow food.  (In some places, unfortunately, city officials have frowned on front yard vegetable gardens to the point of bulldozing them – check your local ordinances and perhaps engage in some stealth vegetable gardening that look more ornamental.) Even growing salad greens and sprouting seeds and beans in your kitchen windowsill will cut down your reliance on the grocery store offerings.
  • Buy seasonally.  If you are purchasing from the organic section in your local grocery store, you’ll pay the lowest price for foods that are currently in season.  So instead of looking for Brussels sprouts in April and asparagus in December, plan your menu around the items in season.
  • Preserve food.  Along the same lines of buying seasonally, buy in quantity.  During tomato season, purchase a bushel and spend a day or two in the kitchen canning spaghetti sauce and salsa to brighten up a cold winter day with a taste of summer.  Use techniques like cold-cellaring for root vegetables and apples purchased in the fall.  Dehydrate organic produce that is on sale at the grocery store.  This way, you can look to your pantry first when out of season items are desired.
  • Buy in bulk. Purchase items that you’ll use often in bulk quantities.  It’s a big outlay at the time of purchase, but I recently spent $250 and got enough organic wheat and sugar to last my family at least a year.  The same items bought “as-needed” at the grocery store would add up to nearly $700. Be sure to buy items that you’ll use, though – there’s nothing sadder than watching food spoil because no one wants to eat it.  Also, repackage the food carefully for long-term storage.  (You can learn more HERE.)

Focus more on organic growing practices than on a government stamp of approval when selecting foods for your pantry. Just because something is not labeled “organic” doesn’t mean it wasn’t organically grown. Educate yourself about good, better and best options.  This will allow you to ignore the propaganda machine that is churning out disinformation and scorn, because you will have done your own research and formed your own opinions on what is safe and healthy.

How do you save money while still providing safe and healthy options for your family?


This article was published at Ready Nutrition on Dec 6, 2012

1 thought on ““Certified Organic”: The Conspiracy Against Natural Foods”

  1. I have recently learned that a package can be labeled “organic” if one item in the package is certified organic. That could mean that 99% is not organic. It is good to hear that this still excludes GM foods.

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