Emergency SHTF Packing: How To Efficiently Pack a Bug-Out Bag

Jeremiah Johnson | Comments (5) | Reader Views (6752)

This article is a continuation and the second part of the load management series written at the request of Mr. Brent Westbrook, a ReadyNutrition Reader.  In the first part, we covered how to stagger a load by weight and pack it according to function for a vehicle.  Guess what?  Many of the basics used to emplace that load are followed here, in how to pack a rucksack (another word for a backpack).  Let’s get right down to it!

Packing a Bug-Out Bag + Gear Suggestions

For those who have been reading my articles for a while, you know that my personal preference is the large-frame Army Rucksack (also called a Large “Alice” pack) …the one from the turn of the century and thirty years before.  It has an aluminum frame, it’s made of nylon, and it can take a lot of punishment.  That being said, the mechanics and reasoning for packing it are still the same.

You must ensure with a ruck that the load is balanced, as high as possible to keep pressure and weight off your back and that you can get to your equipment in a hurry.

Items on the bottom are those rarely used

I pack at the bottom of mine stuff that I do not intend to use at all or very seldom, such as extra clothes and extra food.  Pack your clothes in a wet-weather bag ( the military issue is preferable to me, although I’m aware there are many civilian firms that follow the premise of waterproof bags).  In the middle of the ruck, you want some ammo, more clothes, and some specialized equipment that doesn’t see immediate use.  You be the judge of that.  Toward the top, I keep Gore-Tex pants and jacket, as well as an issue sleeping bag with a Gore-Tex cover in a compression bag and then in a wet-weather bag.

Keep your basic needs in mind when packing bug-out equipment

Food in various forms is “nested around the outside edges, and then the drawstring is cinched down.  At the very top, I have a poncho and a poncho liner (that I can reach and remove easily).  Over this is my ground pad (I use a thick Coleman that is good with or without inflating it), and I have a bivouac hammock in a waterproof bag.  Those are all cinched down with the straps.  In my outside pockets (and waterproofed) I have ammo, food that I can eat quickly, fire-starting equipment, and my water supply.  I use stainless steel one-quart canteens.

This with the canteens is for several reasons.  I don’t tote more than a gallon at a time.  I leave some “headspace” so if the canteens freeze and expand, they aren’t ruined.  I can place the steel ones on a fire and thaw them out to get to the water.  They also take a beating.  For myself, I don’t mind the extra pressure on my back, as (in the wintertime) my jacket and the kidney pad take care of that.  I prefer a low silhouette.  I won’t get into how much mine weighs, but you should be comfortable taking a “squat” with it, and it should not take you to the ground.

The really important thing is that you want everything as secure as much as possible.  When the load shifts, it becomes unbalanced, and the distribution of weight is uneven, making for unequal steps and an unequal load-burden on your body parts.  You also have to take into consideration all of the other stuff you’re going to tote beside the rucksack, such as a load-carrying vest, a rifle, and extra water and ammo.  This adds to the weight, as well as being necessary to have adjusted and fitted to your body correctly to facilitate a smooth, noiseless movement through the brush.

Practice packing your bags so that it becomes second nature

This is something that will require practice and experimentation on your part, as there are not too many cut-and-dry rules to follow.  You should make sure your first-aid gear, ammo, and fire-starting equipment are the most readily available items…water and food notwithstanding.  You can tailor your pack, by the way, I explained it either with more or less of the items I mentioned in an order that is at least similar to the one I present here.  Good luck, and take the time to perfect it, as it is your “home away from home” and you’ll rely on what you carry.  JJ out!


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This article was published at Ready Nutrition on Dec 16, 2017

5 thoughts on “Emergency SHTF Packing: How To Efficiently Pack a Bug-Out Bag”

  1. Craig Escaped Detroit

    And don’t forget a pair of Hiking Poles (walking sticks), the store bought ones have little shock absorbing springs inside.

    These poles are IMPORTANT because they not only help to STABILIZE you as you walk over uneven ground (preventing falls), but they also take the weight of your arms away from your legs and you can walk more hours and more miles without getting so tired!!!

  2. Craig Escaped Detroit

    About 10 years ago (when I was only 54), I was getting ready for a hiking/camping trip, and so I loaded up my back pack with about 50 pounds of weight, and practiced walking for an hour on my Treadmill, and I set the treadmill for a 7% incline to simulate hiking up hills and around mountain areas.

    It was NOT so easy! My (Russian) girlfriend told me that 50 pounds is considered a “Woman’s pack”!!! Hahaha. (but it was TOO heavy for her!!!)

  3. Great article. However, there was one important factor left out in regard to packing (what and how) one’s “bug out bag”, and that is, when the SHTF and you bug-out…where are you going, what’s your destination, and how far away is it? Do you actually have a location to bug out to, or do you plan to become a wandering nomad instead?
    If someone for example, has a location to bug out to, then they should know how long it will take to get there both on foot and by automobile and therefore the amount of food, water, etc., needed would be dictated by this and one would plan and pack accordingly. Are you located in a desert, or near…say…the Rocky Mountains? This would dictate the water situation. 110° desert weather, or minus 0 degrees mountain weather. The devil’s in the details when it comes to one’s “bug-out-bag”. The solar water-still, or the cold weather parka? Where I live, there are many rivers, creeks, and lakes. As long as I have ways to purify wild-water, that lessens the need for me to carry extra water, unlike a dry barren desert.
    One’s geo-location and one’s destination are, and should be the main considerations of what to pack in one’s “bug-out-bag”.
    Just my opinion, for whatever it’s worth.

    1. Craig Escaped Detroit

      Absolutely correct. Regional & seasonal climate, terrain, etc. If the 1st part of the bugging can be done on a bike, do it, even if you must abandon it later.

      You mention rivers & streams, mountains and deserts. Some people will need a small inflatable raft for their bugging, others will need rope and climbing gear.
      Knowing the time to get there is a must. Becoming a roaming nomad is not likely to be a survivable thing. It’s bad enough for the homeless even when society and cities are working well, but when the SHTF, it’ll be a lot lot worse.

      l like the idea of a Bug-Out-Bike (and bike trailer)! Very quiet, fast and efficient method of travel.

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