Enhancing Your Immune System With Honey, Lemon, Ginger Syrup

Tess Pennington | Comments (3) | Reader Views (22341)

honey, lemon, ginger cough syrupFlu and cold season are just around the corner. Before your immune system is rundown by the flu virus, start boosting your immune system with natural medicine. By doing so, you are fighting off the infection before it overtakes your body, thus, significantly reducing being prone to colds and flus. I am a firm believer in using natural means to prevent ailments and boost your immunity. Health experts suggest maintaining your immune system by: eating a balanced diet, drinking lots of water, getting enough sleep, exercising, and washing hands frequently. While I agree with the experts, I also believe there are natural remedies you can take before an illness weakens your immune system. Taking a daily teaspoon of a concoction made from lemon, ginger and honey is an effective way to provide preventive medicine to your body and boost your health in the process. In fact, the health benefits of these ingredients for treating respiratory problems are unmatched.

Natural Ingredients That Pack a Punch!

Lemon: This citrus fruit is high in vitamin C and reduced inflammation and swelling, and reduce mucus production. As well, lemons have antioxidant properties which are vital to a strong immune system. Lemons also neutralize the activity of free radicals in the body.

Ginger: This medicinal root is helpful for settling upset stomachs, dizziness, nausea, vomiting and cold sweating. Promotes a healthy sweating that aids in the detoxification of the body, which is often helpful when you have a cold or flu.

Honey: This is one of the best ways to soothe coughs and sore throats. Honey acts as a medium for transmitting the benefits of herbs such as ginger to the body. Honey may also boost the body’s immune system by aiding in the production of white blood cells. This improves the body’s ability to fight infection and decreases the risk of fevers. Honey also assists in drawing out the citrus juice. Pay attention to the type of honey you purchase for this. Since most honey contains corn syrup, ensure that you use only the purest form of honey. Raw honey or manuka honey are the best choice and have the most medicinal benefits.

Additional herbs: Herbs such as garlic, turmeric, thyme, cayenne pepper, cinnamon, mint, cardamom, etc., can only enhance the healing properties of this syrup, if added. Fresh organic herbs are preferred as you will receive more natural medicine. 2-3 sprigs of herbs is ideal. If you only have dried herbs, use 1 teaspoon in the syrup to start. If you prefer more flavor, add another 1/2 teaspoon to the next batch.

Lemon, Honey, and Ginger Cough Syrup

  • 2-8 ounce Mason jars
  • 2 to 3 lemons, sliced
  • 3 tablespoons fresh ginger, peeled and coarsely chopped
  • Honey
  1. Wash lemons and cut into slices or wedges. Remove seeds and pack the wedges in a clean, dry jar.
  2. Peel and cut ginger root. Add 1 1/2 tablespoons into the jar with the lemon wedges.
  3. Fill the jar with honey.
  4. Close the jar and let stand for at least 24 hours before using.
  5. Store in refrigerator or dark, cool pantry for up to 2 months.

How to use these syrups:

Swallow a spoonful or two of honey syrup to soothe a cough or sore throat. Stir a heaping tablespoon (or more to taste) into a cup of hot water. Stir a heaping tablespoon (or more to taste) into a cup of hot tea. When the mixture is ready, it will become a thin syrup that can easily be spooned out. Taken daily or when you are feeling ill, this syrup will be your best friend to boost your immune system during those cold winter months when the virus are at their most active.

Fresh glass pot of sweet honey with spices and lemon on wooden background

This article was published at Ready Nutrition on Sep 25, 2014

3 thoughts on “Enhancing Your Immune System With Honey, Lemon, Ginger Syrup”

  1. I haven’t used or combined all the ingredients you discuss yet, but I did use local raw honey straight out of the hive and believe it or not my severe allergies, hay fever, and the like were cured within the hour and for over one year have not returned. Even when I mow the lawn. That is a very good thing for me. thanks

  2. My parents used to use honey, lemon and a touch of whiskey for coughs.
    Not sure, but this worked better than just lemon and honey.
    ( that was a touch oh whiskey)

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