Home Remedies for Livestock

Tess Pennington | Comments (0) | Reader Views (6542)

Just like humans, animals tend to get ailments, and without proper care, those ailments can turn into serious infections.  As the price of pet/livestock medicine continues to rise, some are falling back on natural remedies to alleviate symptoms in their animals.

Look to the animal for clues as to what the problem may be.  It is advised to research the ailment as much as possible and to look for clues to indicate what the problem may be before trying to remedy the problem.

  • Listen to the respiration and heart rate, as well as take the temperature of the animal.
  • Check to see if the animal is eating or drinking.
  • Look at the consistency of the manure.
  • Try the remedy, but if the problem persists, call a veterinarian.

5 Home Remedies for Livestock

Every farmer who owns livestock has a special remedy that he or she uses to treat their animals.  Here are a few that may be helpful to those that are new to caring for livestock.

Organic Iodine Dextrose

Coughing in horses can be due to a serious, life threatening condition called heaves.  Coughing can be brought on by dust, mold or anything that overworkds the respiratory system.  An inexpensive way to assist the horse is organic iodine.  Iodine is an anti-inflammatory and expectorant that assists in loosening phelgm, making it easier for the horse to cough.  Adding 1 tablespoon of iodine to the horse’s evening grain for 21 days will make the cough go away.  Organic Iodine Dextrose is available at many feed stores.

Aloe Vera Gel

The gel from the aloe vera leave can be used to treat skin inflammation due to insect bites, burns, cuts and scrapes, as well as hot spots.  Aloe vera can also be used to heal deep lacerated cuts (as long as stitches are not required), as it possesses anti-bacterial properties.  Additionally, if aloe gel is placed in area where the animal likes to lick itself, the animal will refrain from licking that area due to the taste of the herb.  Aloe can also be used as a laxative for dogs, however, it is advised to discuss using aloe vera internally with a veterinarian.

 Tea Tree Oil

This multipurpose extract is an anti-yeast, anti-fungal and antibacterial substance that can be used to treat minor cuts and scrapes.  It can be easily found at many health food outlets as well as larger stores such as Wal-mart,

Dry Oats

Dry oats can be given to rabbits to keep them from getting hairballs.  If rabbits get hairballs, they will not be able to regurgitate, thus causing serious complications in the animal’s health.  Oatmeal is a fiber that keeps the digestive system moving and decreases the possibility of hair collection and forming blockage.  Rabbit breeders advise to give a handful of uncooked oatmeal after they have given birth and in the spring when they begin to heavily shed.

Vitamin B12 Shots

Animals who are very frail or just born that have low energy would appreciate an injection of B12 to get their energy going.


This article is intended to offer natural alternative suggestions.  It should not be used as a substitute for professional veterinary prevention, diagnosis, or treatment.  Please consult with your veterinarian before taking any home home remedies or supplements or following any treatment suggested by anyone on this site.  Only your veterinarian can provide you with advice on what is safe and effective for your pet’s unique needs or diagnose your pet’s particular medical history.

This article was published at Ready Nutrition on Feb 25, 2010

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