How to Make Butter Coffee For Focus

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By Heather Callaghan

If a type of whole food is considered “evil,” chances are, popular opinion will reverse – just give it time. I don’t believe there are “perfect” or “evil” foods or diets. Ingredients, process and agricultural practices are a different story.

Therefore, it should be no surprise that research is turning ideas on both coffee and butter. Again, process matters. The point is not to feel guilty about your morning routine – or what you choose to consume.

If you want to have a decadent, yet energizing kick to your morning, this simple change might be it. Hint: it’s not what you think – it’s similar to a latte, but better.

A lot of us have experienced the “focus-factor” of butter. It can help with sugar cravings and vitamin utilization as well. Butter from grassfed cows is simply divine for its taste, texture and…fat! Not the weight-gaining or “artery clogging” variety.

Likewise, coffee is now heavily researched for its benefits. Yet, like butter, the processing should be watched. It also gives many people a “crash” and the jitters.

Combining the two holds a nice surprise. The butter prevents a quick caffeine spike and extends the energy boost. It can prevent the “acid” feel in the stomach, help with focus, prevent jitters and also precludes the desire for more and more cups of coffee during the day. There is not oily or greasy film in it – the blending process turns it into a creamy consistency.

Butter Coffee:

What you need:

High quality coffee beans
Preferably a French Press for brewing (but don’t let that stop you)
2 Tablespoons of butter from grassfed cows – look for or request Unsalted Kerrygold butter in stores or local butter from your farmers market and healthfood stores
Optional – coconut oil, flavors

Basic directions:

Brew coffee
“Pre-heat” blender with hot water – dump
Place coffee in blender
Place butter in blender – other ingredients like coconut oil or vanilla are optional
Blend well for 30 seconds or more – it will look similar to a latte

“Butter coffee” has risen to Internet fame from marketing guru and “biohacker,” David Asprey at Bulletproof® Executive. He sells upgraded beans that are naturally processed and reportedly have lower myotoxins. They are considerably pricey, though – you might also consider Costa Rican beans. He sells other products meant for this coffee at his website.

I’ll let him show you the rest of his method:

I have not been able to find grassfed unsalted butter in my stores, but I tried the next best thing – cream from raw milk (grassfed cows). I used the same directions. I had better focus, no jitters, less unhealthy cravings and did not need more than one cup (an amazing feat!) It is worth a try and the worst that could happen is a wasted cup.

Have you tried it?

Read more:

This article was published at Ready Nutrition on Jun 3, 2014

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