If The SHTF, Make Sure You Have Toilet Paper!

Tess Pennington | Comments (2) | Reader Views (7917)

All kidding aside on this title, toilet paper is an important prep item that many seem to overlook.  According to Wikipedia, Americans use an average of 23.6 rolls of toilet paper per year.  I think that number should be doubled – a person can never have enough toilet paper.  Let’s just say that one person needed 50 rolls per year.  Using that instance, a family of 5 should have 250 rolls of toilet paper in reserve!

Sanitation during a disaster is a major concern if a major disaster were to occur.  Lack of sanitation pollutes water sources, and creates diseases.  Understanding how to properly disperse of waste products so that it does not affect water sources is an important skill to possess.  Having an emergency sanitation kit for short term disasters could be very beneficial.

Add a Sanitation Kit to Disaster Supplies

Having a sanitation kit that is ready in times of disaster is essential to keeping your family and neighbors healthy.  These kits can fit comfortably into a bucket, are affordable, and will not take up much space.  Additionally, being educated on how to properly dispose of waste is a key factor in keeping everyone healthy during a disaster.

Some suggested sanitation supplies to add to any short or long term emergency kits are:

  • Disposable bucket or luggable loo
  • Toilet paper
  • Rubber gloves
  • Garbage bags with twist ties ( for liners of toilets or luggable loo)
  • Bathroom cleaner
  • Cat Litter or absorbent material such as saw dust or dirt
  • Baby wipe
  • Baking soda can be used to help eliminate odors
  • Vinegar
  • Shovel

There are many types of toilet paper alternatives to use in case the toilet paper reserve runs out.  Leaves are nature’s alternative to toilet paper.  Therefore, having a stockpile of tp alternatives may be of help in emergency situations.

Toilet Paper Alternatives

  • Phone books
  • Unused coffee filters
  • Corn cobs (That’s right- Corn Cobs)
  • Dilapadated kitchen towels that will not be used for cleaning anymore.
  • Cut strips from a worn sheet
  • Mail order catalog
  • Bank notes

Other Toiletry Items To Keep In Mind

Toilet paper isn’t the only items to take into account when preparing your survival reserve.   Anything that you use for hygeine needs to be categorized under toiletries.  Some of these include:

  • Woman’s toiletries for their needs
  • Diapers/baby wipes
  • Kleenexes
  • Anti-bacterial soap
  • Moist towelettes
  • Lotion
  • Deodorant
  • Toothpaste/toothbrush
  • Shampoo/body wash
  • Comb
  • Razor and shaving cream
  • Toiletseat and lid cover

To get a jump start on your toiletry stockpiling, don’t be afraid to go to places online that give out free samples of things.  The point is to be resourceful in finding those toiletry items.  They don’t have to be brand name.  They just need to be available to you when you need it the most.

This article was published at Ready Nutrition on Oct 4, 2009

2 thoughts on “If The SHTF, Make Sure You Have Toilet Paper!”

  1. Bill Caldwell

    I have known for a very long time that something really big was about to occur. I felt different and the need to know things; important things. Time is moving faster than ever for a resounding end to man’s rule on the earth. It shall come quickly and catch the masses off guard. Prepare yourselves while there is still time.

  2. Haven’t used the stuff in almost a year now…

    99 Cent store:

    Dish soap bottle (small)

    Home Depot:

    36″ of clear plastic tubing

    Soap bottle + clear plastic tubing = homemade bidet. Works wonderful. Picked up some white washcloths from Wally World for drying. Easy to sanitize.

    Total cost, including washcloths = about 5 bucks, and totally portable! 🙂

    (I put the soap into another container to wash dishes/hands with…)

    (hint…use slightly warm water…cold is not fun!)

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