I’m not Tight…Just Careful With Money

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Happy Christmas To You All

I was having a conversation with my eldest, mother of two of my grandchildren the other day. She was moaning about all the prices going up mid-October…numbing us before the real onslaught of Christmas shopping begins. I get what she was saying, but I really don’t understand the rolling of eyes and the “Oh Mother!!!!” comment when I gave my opinion of things.

You see when everyone is out fighting for electronics they don’t need right after Christmas I will be cruising the big box stores and a couple of independent retailers, picking up all the nice but expensive things I want for next year.

The supermarkets want to get rid of their surplus stock and many small retailers just don’t have the storage space to hold items until next year so there are major bargains to be had.

The small retailers are great for picking up really good quality cards, wrapping and crackers that will sit in the loft until next year. beautiful as these things are I would never consider paying the full price for them, I wouldn’t even pay half the asking price if I am honest but when we get down to an 80% reduction I’m happy to part with my cash.

The big supermarkets knock out clothing at a fraction of the normal prices to make way for their spring collections. I have no problem with buying two sizes too big Santa pyjamas for the kids and stashing them away for next year. The winter collections need to go, and I am happy to oblige. ALL of my youngest’s clothes this winter were brought in larger sizes last year, I saved a fortune.

Stocking fillers will also be massively reduced meaning I pay just pennies on the pound. Even full sized gift sets for both him and her will be massively reduced and will happily sit in boxes waiting to be wrapped for next Christmas or used for birthday gifts throughout the year.

The best of all though is the food. the spare freezer is all but empty…ready for my restock at knock down prices. The normally exorbitantly priced organic turkeys, large chickens and sausage meats will be sitting there begging to be brought, at a mere fraction of their normal cost. My freezer will be filled and with a bit of creativity in the room that one day will be a proper kitchen (we are still renovating) many wonderful dishes will be served throughout the coming months.

All the strawberries and raspberries they have failed to sell will be appearing as fruit leathers  for the youngest’s lunch box well into the new year, and goose fat, which freezes very well will ensure extra crunchy roast potatoes for months to come.

Biscuits and cookies will be brought by the nativity decorated tin full and will be repackaged as lunchbox additions or treats that will last for weeks on end. Hard candy will be added to the stockpiles for pennies just because Rudolph appears on the bag.

So have a think, how can you make the fact that from today Santa ceases to be important for another ten months profitable?

Take Care



The Prepper’s Cookbook: 300 Recipes to Turn Your Emergency Food into Nutritious, Delicious, Life-Saving Meals

The Pantry Primer: How to Build a One-Year Food Supply in Three Months

The Prepper’s Blueprint: The Step-By-Step Guide To Help You Through Any Disaster

This article was published at Ready Nutrition on Dec 26, 2014

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