[Infograph] Emergency Comm Devices Explained

Tess Pennington | Comments (0) | Reader Views (3066)

Consider, for a moment, what our lives would be like without access to communication channels telling us what is going on? How vulnerable would we feel not getting our daily dose of local, and world news? For that matter, how would we get in touch with loved ones to let them know how we are?

Having emergency communication devices will provide you with contact to the outside world, as well as help you ensure you have a way of letting family and friends know you are alright. Moreover, these key prepping supplies can also allow you to make critical decisions based on unfolding events that are happening around you. Choosing the proper communication device is a big decision and completely dependable on your location and type of disaster.

This infograph is great way to decide which comm device is good for you.

(click on the image for a larger view)



To learn about emergency communication, consider reading the following articles:

All Circuits Are Busy: Emergency Collapse Communications

Handheld Radio Communications When SHTF

Why You Should Consider Ham Radio for Communications

Emergency Radios And Frequencies Guide


This article was published at Ready Nutrition on Dec 13, 2014

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