More Hurricanes Are Incoming! Prepare For Now!

Sara Tipton | Comments (0) | Reader Views (1105)

Hurricanes are not new to the United States, however, the Earth is going through some changes that could make them more abundant than before. Never be fearful, but be prepared.

A new study suggests that more hurricanes will be coming to “midlatitude” regions, which include major population centers such as New York, Boston, and Shanghai.

The study, published last week in the peer-reviewed British journal Nature Geoscience, finds that tropical cyclones — which are also known as hurricanes or typhoons — will expand from the tropical regions in which they are currently common. Due to global warming, the conditions that create hurricanes will become prevalent farther north in the northern hemisphere and farther south in the southern hemisphere.

The reason for the shift in hurricane latitudes has to do with the global wind pattern known as the Hadley cell, a circulation in which air flows poleward at a height of about 6 to 9 miles but returns toward the equator as it descends toward ground level.

Areas in the increasingly at-risk regions have already begun to see some hurricanes make landfall, many of the areas experiencing more storms in the past year and a half.  In 2020, Subtropical Storm Alpha made landfall in Portugal, the first time a subtropical or tropical cyclone had ever hit the Western European nation.

With the scientists and experts claiming this is going to get worse, not better, taking the time to prepare if you live in a place that gets hurricanes already should be a priority.

Luckily, Ready Nutrition has already posted several articles that could help out our readers during an intense hurricane season. One of the best resources is still Tess Pennington’s The Prepper’s Blueprint. A crisis rarely stops with a triggering event. The aftermath can spiral, having the capacity to cripple our normal ways of life. Because of this, it’s important to have a well-rounded approach to our preparedness efforts. Due to the overwhelming nature of preparedness, we have created the Prepper’s Blueprint to help get you and your family ready for life’s unexpected emergencies. To make a more comprehensive, easy-to-follow program, The Prepper’s Blueprint has been simplified and divided up in a way to help you make sense of all the preparedness concepts and supply lists provided.

Prepping for the Storm: 12 Tips To Prepare Your Property for Hurricane Season

Make sure you have things on hand that can help you:

Without This Tool in Your Hurricane Supplies, You Could Be Screwed

You will also want to make sure you have a few necessary skills to get you through, especially if you are going to get consistently hammered by hurricanes:

Essential Hurricane Preparedness Skills You Need to Know Before the Next Storm Arrives

Not knowing how to prepare is the worst.  Knowing that you have done your best and have as many of the items and skills as you can acquire before a hurricane strikes is the best possible scenario. It may be impossible to prepare for literally everything, however, it is possible to prepare for the things that are common and slated to be even more severe in the coming years for your location.

This article was published at Ready Nutrition on Apr 18, 2022

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