Prepper Mania

Tess Pennington | Comments (4) | Reader Views (2934)

The word is getting out that preppers are setting the standard high when it comes to preparedness.  Newsweek did an article about Lisa Bedford, or for many preppers who have come to know her, the Survival Mom.  The article, The Rise of the Preppers consists of how she is preparing for the well being of herself and her family in the case there are financial setbacks as well as disasters.  It is a relief to see the media such as  Newsweek positively shed light on prepping enthusiasts as well as suggest that individuals be ready for an emergency situation and be self sufficient.  Additionally, it is encouraging to see normal people that have concerns being proactive and doing as much as they can to prepare for a given disaster situation.

The preparedness path really is insurance… If we had to rely on ourselves, we would have the food, the supplies and that would free up the money we did have for a house payment or free up the money for an emergency medical bill.

Source – Lisa Bedford – aka The Survival Mom

Many preppers are proud of being prudent and proud of the being proactive in a world filled with uncertainties.  This article only encourages us to keep doing what we are doing and hopefully, encourages more to prepare.  Thanks Survival Mom for shedding some good light on us.

This article was published at Ready Nutrition on Dec 30, 2009

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4 thoughts on “Prepper Mania”

  1. The great thing about this article is that it also puts focus on the growing numbers of “preppers” who are not necessarily survivalists. Normally when you hear “prepper” it is automatically associated with a back woods survivalist, who hunts, fishes, traps, and grows all of their own food, and while I respect this approach to life, there are millions of Americans who don’t have the benefit of a nice piece of land that gives them the freedom to do all of that. Most people live in the city or the suburbs. Survival mom, as well as this web site, provide essential information for these people to prep for emergencies and disasters. Urban survival planning is a whole different ball game and requires a slightly different approach.

  2. I believe that this year there will be more “urban preppers” coming out and seeing how essential it is to prepare.  The bottom line is that when people live in close proximity to one another, such as in a major city, it will only mean mor eand more people trying to flee at the same time.  I can bet that the Survivor Mom and her family will be able to sustain themselves for a given amount of time, and if need be, are ready to leave at a moments notice.

  3. Mac…thanks for clarifying the difference between a “prepper” and a “survivalist”. I was confused a bit …now I know they are really kinda the same….varying of course by degree. 

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