Six Foods that are Surprisingly High in Toxins

Tess Pennington | Comments (10) | Reader Views (5636)

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Certain things automatically come to mind when you think of toxins in your food … bacteria like e.coli, additives, pesticides, and other contaminants like heavy metals would all certainly apply. But even if your food is completely natural, with no man-made components whatsoever, it may still contain toxins, naturally occurring ones, that is.

The following foods, though generally fine and even healthy when eaten, can cause your harm under certain, surprising, circumstances.

1. Peanuts and peanut butter

Peanuts, you may or may not know, are actually legumes, not nuts, which are grown underground as part of a root system.

It is primarily due to the peanuts’ direct contact with the soil that they have become harmful, and even dangerous, to your health.

While actual nuts like almonds and walnuts have strong, hard shells that protect them, the legume known as a peanut has soft and porous skin. When the environment surrounding the peanut becomes warm, humid and wet — as it does in most regions of the U.S. where peanuts are commonly grown — a fungal growth occurs.

The fungus itself is not dangerous, but the poison it releases, known as “aflatoxin,” is. This cancer-causing agent attacks the liver and is one of the more deadly food-borne toxins in existence.

Good news for the peanut-lovers out there: you can find healthy peanuts, you just need to know what to look for. Namely, choose organic varieties grown in a region where the soil is dry and aflatoxin has therefore not been reported as a problem, such as New Mexico.

2. Potatoes

You may have heard the old adage that green potatoes are poisonous, and indeed they are. All potatoes actually contain low levels of natural toxins called glycoalkaloids. The toxins are produced by the potato in response to stress, which is green potatoes, which have been exposed to UV light, can contain high levels. Potatoes that have a lot of bruising, sprouts or “eyes,” or that taste bitter may also have high levels of toxins.

Green potatoes really can make you sick.

Glycoalkaloids can cause severe stomachache and even death, in rare cases, and it’s not destroyed by cooking. You can enjoy potatoes safely by avoiding any sprouts, green or damaged parts, or bitter-tasting portions.

3. Kidney Beans

Eating just four to five raw kidney beans can cause severe stomachache, diarrhea and vomiting because of toxins called lectins. These toxins can also disrupt cellular metabolism. To get rid of the toxin, soak raw beans for at least five hour, then boil them for at least 10 minutes. For you chili lovers, it’s not enough to simply throw raw beans in a slow cooker, as cooking them at low temperatures may not destroy the lectin.

4. Zucchini

If you come across a bitter-tasting or bad-smelling zucchini, don’t eat it. This is a sign that it contains a group of natural toxins known as cucurbitacins. Though uncommon in commercially raised zucchini, bitter zucchinis can cause vomiting, stomach cramps, diarrhea and fainting.

5. Bamboo Shoots

A favorite in Asian dishes, there’s a reason why bamboo shoots are usually served thinly sliced. By boiling the trimmed and thinly sliced fresh shoots in boiling, salted water, a naturally occurring toxin called cyanogenic glycosides is rendered inert. If you were to eat bamboo shoots raw, you could be exposed to toxic hydrogen cyanide.

6. Parsnips

Parsnips contain natural toxins known as furocoumarins, which are most concentrated in the peel and outermost surface layer, along with any damaged areas. If eaten, furocoumarins can cause stomachache and skin reactions. To reduce the toxin, peel, trim away damaged parts and cook the parsnip before eating it.


This article was originally posted at

This article was published at Ready Nutrition on Oct 16, 2013

10 thoughts on “Six Foods that are Surprisingly High in Toxins”

  1. GoneWithTheWind

    So how many people die each year in the U.S. from peanuts and potatoes?  Norovirus and salomnella are the leading causes of death from food poisoning.

    1. People who are allergic to peanuts, if they come in contact with ANY peanut substance,can go into anaphylactic attack,and they can and do DIE!many of them

  2. Great work you are doing.  Could you recommend any literature on eating wild plants. We live in the southern Appalachians. This area is probably the most productive in terms of plant variety than anywhere in the US, but I can’t find any comprehensive literature on it. I suspect one could have a feast all growing season.
    Jim Howe   

    1. There are a few very common wild edibles around your area. Lamb’s quarters are like spinach. Day lily flower pods are like green beans. The open flower is also tasty. Day lily plant when no more than six inches tall cooked or raw. Tastes a bit peppery. Chick weed in the springtime Purslane in most gardens. Mullein leaves make great soothing tea. Autumn olive berries in the fall. Cat tail heads before they are ripe can be cooked like corn on the cob.These are just a few. There are many good books. Find one for your area. Use the internet to get good pictures of each so you are sure of what you find. You can look up each and get familiar with them. I do survival camping and learn ten plants for each season every year.

  3. The article did not state that these toxins will automatically kill you but the potential is their.  However, it does make you wonder how many times I blamed food poisoning on the wrong thing.

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