Spring Is Here! What To Buy In April

Sara Tipton | Comments (1) | Reader Views (1459)

Every month presents opportunities to grab some things to improve your prepper supply or homestead. In April, there are some things you can stock up on in order to prepare for a variety of different situations.

Whether you are just getting ready for summer homesteading or are looking to restock your pantry, April should present some opportunities to find a few things you may need.


As always, look for sales. In April, a lot of cooler weather gear or ice fishing gear may still be on clearance and available for purchase. You can also find rainboots that are likely being cleared out to make room for summer shoes. Rain jackets and rain ponchos are also excellent items to look for.

Once Easter is over, look for some things that are Easter-themed that you could hang onto for next year. They will likely be clearing these displays to make room for Mother’s Day gifts. If you like candy, now is a good time to get some for cheaper. You could also get stuffed bunnies or chicks on a deep discount for the kids’ Easter baskets next year!


This time of the year, seeds and bulbs begin to show up at some stores, like farm and ranch retailers. They are also likely to have plant starts, dormant rose bushes, or berry bushes. If you have considered adding more berries to your homestead, now is a great time to get them! Some bulbs, such as tulips and daffodils are fine to buy this time of year because they can be planted as soon as the ground is “workable.” They may not flower this year, as they often need a frost, but if you are looking to add flowers to your yard, these are excellent options and often sell out or dry out by fall.

Nanking cherry bushes are great too if you can find them! These also do not need to wait until after the “fear of frost” is over to be planted. Check the hardiness zones on the bulbs and plant starts before buying them! If you want them to come back year after year, you will need to make sure those plants will survive over winter. For example, I am in zone 4 and do everything I can to buy plants, fruit trees, berries, etc. that will survive in zone 3.

This is also a good time to grab some organic heirloom seeds! These are great to plant later, once the fear of frost is gone, let flower, and let come back each year.  We have several arugula plants, kale, spinach, and bok choy that come back on their own! You can eat from the plants, just leave the flowers on one and let nature do its thing!


Other things to look for are bee-keeping supplies if you have honey bees. They won’t necessarily be on sale, but they will be easier to find this time of year. If there is something you need, you may want to grab it when you see it. I do this whenever Honey-B-Healthy is on the shelves! I don’t wait for a sale, I just grab it! It has been one thing that has helped boost our hive and keep our bees healthy and happy. As far as beekeeping suits go, I’d wait until fall when they are half off, especially if the one you have will work for one more season.


Based on current events, you should also consider stockpiling some foods. Some grocery stores do “case lot” sales and sell canned goods, flour, sugar, and even meat in bulk at a discount. Take this as an opportunity to stock up your winter-depleted preparedness pantry. Look for things you eat often as well as laundry detergent, bleach, dishwasher soap, and personal hygiene items. Look for large containers of olive oil and coconut oil too.

Fresh foods in season, such as artichokes and asparagus, onion, leeks, and fennel are all thriving this time of year! Consider purchasing these in April because there is a high likely hood of them being less expensive than out-of-season vegetables and they are probably going to be more readily available – two great reasons to shop in season, especially while we are facing immense inflation.

These are the things I will be keeping my eyes open for in April. What are you going to be looking for, either for your prepper supplies or your homestead?



This article was published at Ready Nutrition on Apr 15, 2022

1 thought on “Spring Is Here! What To Buy In April”

  1. WhereEaglesDare

    My wife and I are definitely getting more berry plants and fruit trees. Our blueberries are going crazy this year.

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