Study Finds Link Between Radiation Therapy and Secondary Cancers

Joshua Krause | Comments (1) | Reader Views (2470)

cancer patientIn the medical world, there probably isn’t anything that fits the description of “necessary evil,” quite like chemotherapy and radiation therapy. It is the slash and burn of medical treatments, because it doesn’t just harm cancer cells. It can decimate everything in your body. It can suppress your immune system, make you lose all of your hair, cause infertility, lead to nausea, vomiting, and organ damage.

The radiation side of this treatment is especially damaging. We know this intuitively. We all know what radiation is capable of doing to the human body.

However, it might surprise you to learn that although it’s widely accepted in the medical community, that radiation therapy can cause secondary cancers later in life, that fact has never been scientifically proven. Of course, this risk is often downplayed in the name of eliminating a more immediate danger, but it’s something that people need to be aware of, because it’s not a minor risk.

A recent study found a solid link between radiation therapy and secondary cancers, And it shows just how significant that risk is.

Never forget that radiation therapy should be a last resort. If you have cancer, always look for a second professional opinion, and explore every option before deciding to undergo radiation therapy.

This article was published at Ready Nutrition on Apr 18, 2017

1 thought on “Study Finds Link Between Radiation Therapy and Secondary Cancers”

  1. Good God, they are just now figuring this out? No wonder cancer treatment is a joke! I’ve been saying this for 20+ years just from observations and I’m no doc!
    These guys are not capable of finding any cures.

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