The Evolution of Preppers

Tess Pennington | Comments (0) | Reader Views (3412)

As we are getting back to our “survival roots,” we should learn some lessons from our early ancestors.  They evolved due to their adaptability and ingenuity.  They made tools from hard stone and pieces of wood.   In essence, they were the ancient preppers.  They gathered, hunted and adapted to extreme situations, yet they found creative ways to live and survive without modern conveniences. 

Modern day humans have dramatically evolved since our predecessors.  The basic premise behind tools is still similar, but our knowledge and understanding of the world around us, as well as our understanding of needs to survive are much more advanced.  In order to get back to our roots, we must change our way of thinking about acquiring needed items.  If transportation was not available or the use of electricity, how would you go about your tasks?  If a sudden disaster were to stike and these modern day conveniences were gone, would you be crippled without them or would you be able to survive?  Preparing for this type of scenario requires a person to plan ahead and obtain needed items before a disaster were to strike.  We must be willing to adapt to situations and be willing to use the items we have around us to make things work.

The Hunters Must Know Where To Find Food

Those that go out searching for food via on the Internet or out in nature should know that food is all around us, you just need to know where to look.  Nature provides sustenance from trees, wild bushes, wild greens, such as dandelions, flowers and wild game.   If a person knows what types of food is around their area, that knowledge can save their life.  Those that go out searching for food on the Internet should look for websites that supply bulk food quantities of beans, rice, flour, and grains that can be stored away for a given amount of time.  Typically, these foods are already stored for long term and the fact that you are buying in bulk will save you money.  Additionally, there are countless amounts of websites supplying their readers with dehydrated foods and freeze dried food to buy or you can adapt to the need for stored food and make your own.  This type of food will make an excellent investment and can be stored for long term needs. 

The Gatherers

Research should go into what items are gathered to sustain a person or their family.  The supplies that are purchased should be of good quality, but do not necessarily have to be top of the line.  Many preppers try to save money by staying away from the prepackaged survival kits, and purchase items separately.  Put thought into what items would disappear first if a disaster threatened to hit.  A good rule of thumb is to ask yourself if the items that are purchased would take care of basic needs: food, water, shelter and clothing.  Preparing to have seasonal items to fall back on would be advantageous given that natural disasters strike year round. 

If They Could Do It, You Can Do It

 Our prehistoric ancestors did not have the intelligence, nor the survival items we have today – yet they thrived.  Darwin once said that “It’s not the strongest or the smartest of us that survives.  It’s the one that’s willing to evolve and adapt.”  The only reason why the pioneers survived in harsh conditions was due to their adaptability.  There is no reason why we cannot find a way to survive too.  If a person prepares and has the willingness to adapt to unforeseen events that occur around them, then they have all they need and weather far better than others.

This article was published at Ready Nutrition on Feb 12, 2010

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