The Unprepared Population: A Statistic You Don’t Want To Be a Part Of

Tess Pennington | Comments (8) | Reader Views (14424)

I have suggested to readers that allotting a certain percentage of your monthly budget and using it for emergency preparation is an advantageous investment for your future well being.  Many have remarked that with the economy on the down slope, they simply cannot afford to use a portion of their budgets towards preparations.  My response back to them is, “Can you afford not to be prepared?

FEMA  Wants Every Home To Have 2 Weeks Worth of Food

As a whole, most of the population is not prepared for an unforeseen disaster. Many emergency websites including FEMA have stressed how important it is to be prepared for grid down scenarios and a lapse in supply distribution due to blocked roadways following disasters. They have made the suggestion that each family have at a minimum two week supply of food, but should not limit it to that amount.  Statistics state that the average family household has 3 days or less of food in their homes. With that knowledge in hand, it is safe to say that most of the population is ill-equipped to handle an unforeseen extended emergency, and the result is a formula for epic disaster.

Simply put, when human beings basic needs are not met, their once passive natures dissolves and a more aggressive side replaces it. When an entire population’s needs are not being met, what do you think will happen? 4 words – complete and utter pandemonium. The unspoken truth is there is simply not enough food in the stores to supply a large population all at once. As a result, many families will go without food and chaos will ensue.

Point and fact, many who live in areas where extreme weather occurs understand and plan for the masses to rush the stores at the last possible moment to stock up on supplies. Some  are able to buy a surplus of goods (if they get to the stores in time), and some people get there too late and walk home empty handed. The supply of food has run out because everyone is buying the same types of shelf stable foods. Foods such as just add water meals, canned goods, bread, condiments, water, batteries, flashlights, emergency supplies, etc. Having these supplies ahead of time will eliminate the stress of fighting the hoards in the stores.

Preparing Provides Peace of Mind

Accumulating an emergency food supply can be achieved even on the most modest of budgets. Rather than getting food all at once, stock up a little at a time to maintain your monthly budget.

Another method of creating a preparedness supply is to break your emergency food list up into different categories such as breakfast foods, grains, water, baking needs, etc. Typically you will need the following types of foods:

  • Breakfast
  • Snacks
  • Lunch
  • Dinner
  • Beverages

Bargain shopping is another way to gather supplies for your emergency needs. Look in the local paper for grocery discounts and stock up on them when they are on sale. Further, go to the Dollar stores in your area and see what canned goods or boxed dinners are available. Other preparedness items such as batteries, flashlights and duct tape may also be available. Each time a person goes to the store, they can buy a portion of their food supply and store it away for later use. In a matter of a few weeks to 1 month’s time, a modest amount of food has been stored.  To find how much food a family needs, many preppers use this food storage calculator.  Although, many of our budgets are dwindling due to the bad economy, there are ways of stretching your budget and changing your lifestyle in order to prepare.

Being prepared can put a person way ahead of the game. While many who are unprepared for disasters will be battling the lines at the grocery stores, those that have prepared can concentrate on other matters at hand: their families well being.

This article was published at Ready Nutrition on Jul 11, 2013

8 thoughts on “The Unprepared Population: A Statistic You Don’t Want To Be a Part Of”

  1. Oh, thanks!  It was a great experience, and I hope that the word will get out how important it is to be prepared.  Something I forgot to mention in the report was it’s not a case of if, but when.

    I had no idea that you lived in the Houston area.  Imagine that!  We could be neighbors for all we know!  🙂

  2. I’m looking for the article that Apartment Prepper mentioned. I read both of your sites, but was looking for a video clip of the Fox News report, do you know if this is posted on line?

    1. Country Girl,

      I am going to get it up on my site probably by tomorrow. Will you come back and visit my webpage then? 🙂 I promise that you will not be disappointed.

      Thanks so much,


  3. Howdy Tess,

    From the Hill Country… Thanks for your great info! More would do well to pay attention to what is taking place in our world… What would be the best way to store flour and grains?

    One other question is, how would we prepare for our needed prescriptions?

    In my business I must wear two faces, 1 for selling, 1 for reality! You may have already seen this in other professions! I expect the best from our country but prepare for the worst!

    Still selling land BUT starting survival mode!


  4. Hi Landdoctor,

    I am basing my answer for your question on storing grains on one of the best preparedness resources I ever got my hands on is “Making the Best of Basics: Family Preparedness Handbook,” by James T. Stevens.  I highly recommend this book to anyone who is just starting their preparedness efforts.  The author goes in to great detail about proper storage methods for grains, along with other great tips for a variety of preparedness needs.  Here are some tips he suggested:

    Use crushproof, waterproof and moisture proof containers.  All food storage products must be protected to prevent infiltration, infestation, and contamination.

    Store wheat in round cans.  When storing wheat in square cans, allow several inches open space on all sides of the cans to allow air to circulate more freely.

    A round, 5 gallon metal bucket, enamel-coated interior, with an airtight lid and waterproof seal is the best option for storing bulk whole wheat.  These containers are available from restaurant suppliers, barrel, container or used-container dealers.  This type container will hold 35 pounds of wheat and is convenient for both transporting and long term purposes.

    A 5 gallong polyethylene bucket with tight-fitting lid and waterproof seal is a good alternative to metal cans.  Plastic buckets are usually available at the same businesses where you find metal cans.

    Always use a heavy-duty, food-grade, sealable, plastic liner in any container for bulk wheat.  With any container, a food-grade plastic or Mylar liner is necessary to prevent infiltration of contaminants, infestation, and moisture.

    Properly processed, treated, prepacked, and factory-sealed wheat can be purchased from reputable mills and food storage dealers.  Commercially sealed wheat usually requires neither turning nor aerating when properly stored.

    Temperature for storing bulk wheat is 45-65 degrees F.

    Always store wheat in a dry enviroment.

    Leave air space around stored wheat containers.  Ventilation is necessary because the ambient air provides a buffer zone for the stored wheat as it gains and loses heat.

    Store containers on wooden platforms to prevent containers from being introduced to moisture, or water at the bottom.

    Regaring storing prescriptions, it is such a great idea to stock up on any presecriptions in the event an emergency were to occur.  Those that have presecription glasses should buy two pairs.  One to use now, and one for an emergency situation. 

    If you are taking medications that require a prescription, save 1/4-1/3, and then call in a refill.  After a few refills, you will have a full container of prescription medicines to store away.  Some preppers that are prescribed medicine for pain try and withstand using their entire presciption so they can use these medicines in an emergency situation.  You can also talk with your pharmacist and see if there are any alternatives or over-the-counter medicines you can stock up on that are comparative to the prescription you are taking now and stock up on those.  

    Here is a list of additional medical supplies to have on hand

  5. most people haven’t thoguht at all about what they need.  food, water, protection and electricity.  i use the pedal-a-watt to generate power just by pedaling.  see it at  you cna also get solar panels from many outlets on the web.  most people don’t know how previous some electricity is until they don’t have it anymore.

  6. When I started saving meds I wondered How to keep them in order.  I came to the Idea that when I bring my prescriptions home I number them eg. May =1 June = 2 etc.  I use up 1 before moving to 2.  Try to always get them a few days earlier in the month than last months and you’d be surprised how fast you get a month ahead.  I am now several months ahead on my most important med.  That is partly because my Dr. doubled my prescription for a short time & but my prescription was a whole month.  Take advantage of any of these blips to add to the stock pile.  If you are on a prescription pain killer and can do without 1 sometimes it can also be part of the stockpile.  Of course never do this with antibiotics or some mental health meds as that can be detrimental to your health.

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