What to Buy In March

Sara Tipton | Comments (0) | Reader Views (1006)

In March, we begin to see stores changing out their items for those that are more summery and can be used in the spring.  That means other items will probably be on sale!

ICE FISHING GEAR: Some items to look for that many stores will be looking to offload will be ice fishing gear. The ice fishing season may already be over in most places, so stock up on what they have now! Some stores like Bomgaar’s often do “bucket” sales. Where anything you can fit in a bucket is 20-40% off. This is a great way to get those fishing items for cheaper! We participate in these sales for both fishing gear, and seeds!

ORGANIC HEIRLOOM SEEDS: Look for organic heirloom seeds. You can fit a lot in a bucket! This is one great way to stock up, and have extras! We always keep more seeds than we think we need in case a loved one can use some.  Seed sharing is going to become a vital survival tool if the world continues down the path it’s currently on, and I think we all know that. Check out Ready Nutrition’s heirloom seeds here.

CAMPING GEAR: If you missed out on the sales on camping gear in the fall months, a great time to get the first choice, but often pay full price, is to watch for anything new in March. If there is something vital you need, get it now before others buy it out, especially if you have missed out.

BOOTS: Winter boots are usually on a deep sale this time of year! Even those sellers on sites like Poshmark and Mercari mark down their snow boots. You can get great deals on boots that have only been worn once or maybe are brand new! (My favorite snow boots.) (My favorite homesteading winter chore boots). Because I live in a very cold climate with long winters, I am willing to spend a little more on my boots, however, if I need new boots, getting them in spring is the best time because big brands often mark down their winter boots so they can bring out the new spring and summer styles.

FRUIT TREES & VEGETABLE STARTS: Stores should soon be offering fruit trees and vegetable starts. If we’re late on starting your garden indoors, had trouble getting grow lights, or just forgot, live plants will start to show up in some stores. I also watch for the fruit trees. This is something I, personally, am willing to pay full price for, so I can choose my tree. Often, by August, the fruit trees are well picked over, and only the more unhealthy ones remain.

CORNED BEEF/BRISKETS: After St. Patrick’s Day, which is March 17th every year, we stock up on all of the corned beef on sale! Many come with a flavoring packet, but some do not. Briskets will also see a drop in price. We put at least 10, if not 20 in our freezer each year after the 17th just to eat them throughout the year.

CABBAGE: On that same note, we also stock up on cabbage! We buy whole heads that the grocery store is closing out. Cabbages last a long time, months even, in the fridge! You can also store them in your root cellar and eat them throughout the year. Canning cabbages are also an option, and can be really good! Cabbage is best-stored whole and unrinsed until you’re ready to use it or can it. Cutting into it will cause it to lose vitamin C, which will lead to faster spoilage. To store a head of cabbage, place it in a plastic bag in the crisper drawer of your fridge and it will last up to two months in there! You can also ferment cabbage by making kimchi or sauerkraut. See our sauerkraut recipe here.

RUTABAGAS: I love rutabagas! These are root vegetables and will store as easily as a potato or turnip. Rutabagas will keep for months in a cool storage place. They store well in plastic bags in a refrigerator or cold cellar.

LEEKS: These are great additions to soups, however, they don’t last as long as rutabagas or cabbages, so don’t buy more than you can use. Fresh leeks can last for up to two weeks in the fridge and 3 to 5 days in the pantry.

Those are the several things to watch for in March! Is there anything you particularly look for this time of the year? If so, share it with us! We would love to hear from you!

This article was published at Ready Nutrition on Mar 14, 2022

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