Why the Government is so Afraid of the Self-Reliant

Joshua Krause | Comments (27) | Reader Views (33028)

swat raid

I’m sure many of you remember when armed “nuisance abatement teams” from Los Angeles County, descended upon the independent minded folks who were living in the desert outskirts of the city. For the “crime” of living off the grid and growing their own food, they were harassed with fines, and forced to leave their homes at the barrel of a gun. It was probably the most dreadful moment for the prepper community in recent memory. Many of us would love to leave the city and live free of the system, but stories like that remind us that no matter where we go, the long arm of the government may be waiting to drag us back into the fold.

We have to ask ourselves, why does the government hate, nay fear, the self-reliant? On the surface it doesn’t make sense. It’s outrageous and has no practical value. Every person who is self-reliant is one less person the government has to provide for; and when disaster strikes, it takes some weight off of their disaster relief efforts.

But once you dig deeper, the reasons become abundantly clear. The short answer is that our government and many like it, is parasitic in nature. Some would argue that we don’t need half the services they provide, and even the ones we do need, are provided with gross inefficiency. Their system is designed to extract as much labor and capital from the population that it can so that they may spread the benefits to their cronies and dependents. It’s that simple. They don’t want you to be independent, because that’s one less person they can leach off of.

Again, that’s the short answer, and I’m sure every free thinking person already understands that concept. But if we want to get to the heart of the matter we have to ask ourselves, what does self-reliance even mean? According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, it is understood as:

Reliance on one’s own efforts and abilities

Sounds self-explanatory, but in reality it doesn’t do the word any justice. It kind of reminds me of when President Obama said “If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that.” He was correct to some degree, in that we all rely on other people for certain services. In that sense, none of us are self-reliant or ever will be. But if you want to find the true meaning of self-reliance, you need to define “reliance” by itself.

I found a few definitions online, but they all seemed to stem from the same bland definition of self-reliance. However, the Oxford definition of reliance really seemed to strike a cord:

Dependence on or trust in someone or something.

Now we’re getting somewhere. Let’s take it a step further. What does “trust” even mean?

Firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.

Acceptance of the truth of a statement without evidence or investigation.

I think we’ve hit pay dirt. This is why the government fears the self-reliant. These people don’t believe the government is reliable, they don’t think our politicians and bureaucrats speak the truth, and they don’t respect our government’s notion of strength. What they call strength is nothing short of jackbooted tyranny.

Basically, the self-reliant don’t trust the government. Instead, they trust themselves. Being self-reliant doesn’t mean that you can live in the middle of nowhere without the help of anyone else. It quite literally means that you have faith in yourself and your abilities.

And that’s a real problem for the government. They don’t care that you live off the grid, growing your own food, generating your own electricity, pumping you own water, and in all likelihood paying less taxes. In fact, if you didn’t frame these activities in the context of prepping or self-reliance, they would call you an environmentalist instead, and applaud you for lowering your precious carbon footprint.

And no, it doesn’t bother them that you don’t need many of their services, because quite frankly, you’re just one person. There are plenty of other hosts out there for them to suck on. The real reason why they fear you is because you trust yourself, plain and simple. You believe that you can make your own decisions without their input, and you have your own moral compass.

And that ladies and gentlemen, is inspiring. The government doesn’t like inspiration. You’re setting an example. You’re no longer just some kook living in the woods, you’re showing the world what can be done without the “help” of government, and that our trust in their system has been misplaced and unwarranted. We can all leave their control grid, and not only will we survive, we can thrive.

Now you’re no longer just one person. Now you’re many. Now you’re a threat.


Related Material:

Going Rogue: 15 Ways to Detach From the System


This article was published at Ready Nutrition on Apr 30, 2015

27 thoughts on “Why the Government is so Afraid of the Self-Reliant”

  1. Sovereign_Citizen

    This article is SPOT ON Correct. I have been saying for years that of course the government hates us, we dont need it. And that right there boys and girls is exactly why it is so terrified. The last thing any government wants anymore are people who flat out dont need it.

      1. Sovereign_Citizen

        The government cannot save you from the likes of me. Ever. If you think it can, you are only fooling yourself:)

          1. Sovereign_Citizen

            Then maybe we should take a page from the government and Kill our problem:) After all there is no need to talk anymore it has already been said.

            While you may need the government, we do not. And if we have a problem then I say let’s kill that problem and be done with it.

            Or will you wait for the government to come and help you? Good luck. If the government will be helping you, you will need every last bit of that luck:)

          2. Sovereign_Citizen

            If you think it will help:) Dont be upset that the government cant help you:) Be upset that you allied yourself with a very bad group of people. Why don’t you go tell your masters…that is what slaves have you know…your masters that you have found a person who treated you like the crap you are and won’t be cowed down.

            Why don’t you go tell them that their little idea of trolling websites has only backfired and caused more issues. Why don’t you go tell them I said you could blow me once Barry is done blowing me.

            We dont need the government and I would be sooooooooooooo very careful placing my faith in it like you do. You may find the government taking you out before anyone else does:) It hasn’t worked for Black People and it didn’t work at all for the Indians.

            You whiny little troll.

          3. Sovereign_Citizen

            Sounds like he has one:) Hey…you got a little something in your chin there from blowing your Slave Master:)

      2. EmmettGrogan

        why are u afraid of Sovereign Citizen? has he threatened u? i don;t feel i need protection from him but from u. people who are afraid of other people’s independence can do scary things.

    1. I feel that the government does not need us. If we are not prepared if or when economic collapse comes, we will not survive.

      1. Sovereign_Citizen

        All governments need people. No people need governments. However, you should still be prepared for an economic collapse.

        1. People never needed Government that was the big illusion, we needed to care for the earth and each other #1, Government makes a lot of money off war and death so do corporations ran by sociopaths.

          One leader is also a joke one mans mind can be screwed up and we should trust that really? I don’t have all the answers, But big corps and governments surly did not work for mankind but worked for a few rich crazy people that had so much money they became unable to feel unless they are watching a real life horror flick.

  2. Mister Lackey

    We are living in the Age of Crisis Construction, which thrives because, “It depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is.”

    Conveniently, everyone and everything may be perceived as “the enemy” because the ends justify the means, and those ends are TOTAL CONTROL.

    The EPA operates under the guise of “clean … at any cost”. You are safe to assume the rest of the government works by the same parasitic method.

    If you’re looking for the reason(s) our country is going to hell, you just found it.

  3. The govt. is just the front man for corporations. Corporations hate us because we don’t buy into or even buy from them. We don’t want their contaminated food, we don’t need their big TV,s, we don’t believe a word they say, and worse yet, we’re beginning to have an effect on the skeptics. Congress will get the FDA all up in our faces over hand made soaps, but let Monsanto kill us all by destroying our pollinators. They want to “protect” us from seed saving so Monsanto can patent all living things. The “govt.” doesn’t fear us, but their corporate masters sure do.

    1. self reliant woman

      Quite a few valid,plus true facts being mentioned towards the end if the thread,I love the idea of self sufficiency and actually have a veg patch going right now,start small etc,I’m also a firm believer of foraging and homeopathy as when a big collapse comes whether economic or financial,where will big pharma be?I.also.don’t believe some suit in gov’t or not telling me what I can put into my body,as I know myself better than.they do.as for Monsanto even tho they’re banned here in.the UK/eu it will happen in the US if enough people get their heads out of Facebook,too many.people watch mainstream media and have no.clue,yet try educating them and you’re crazy.I genuinely think the only way humanity could survive is if we go back to the extremely old days,trade with skills,services and so on.I truly regret bringing my son into this world knowing what I know now,how much the earth is being poisoned,and I hope I’m wrong but I don’t think any of us are gonna see the next ten yrs,fukishima is a massive unreported issue,again hope I’m wrong but too much evidence out there,I’m scared for what he’s breathing in with all these chemtrails.if only every person knew what we all know then maybe wed have a chance but we have the likes of rothschilds and the other controllers to thank for that(,anyone who.has any negative comments then they need to do.some proper research before debating my point,) the freedom of information for all,is the revolution we need,not invasion of privacy and oppression and zombification of our fellow men and women.

  4. The Penitent Man

    Nice article, I do believe you hit the nail on the head! What is it that the Japanese say?

    “A nail that sticks out will be hammered”

    That’s what the government think about people who are self-reliant.

  5. Hmmm

    I humbly disagree that the Federal government is “composed of covert communists”. On the contrary, I believe the federal government is made up of corporate fascists utilizing the power of a tyrannical police state to rule. These in turn are controlled by zionists/globalists, which are overseen by a very small group of ruling elites who exercise their power and control via approximately 150 multi-national corporate entities.

    People look closely at how the government actually spends our money. 50%+ for “defense” and “homeland security” (their defense and security, not ours). Another 15% (and rising rapidly) to service “our debt”. If you back out social security which is PREPAID, suddenly the amount actually given to “social welfare” becomes a very small percentage of the total. Furthermore the government has been busy either minimizing or eliminating outright virtually every government program that benefits the poor and middle class. There is one glaring exception (which in point of fact hurts the poor of course) massive resources directed at ensuring a steady but massive influx of illegal aliens. These are not the actions of communists.

    There is an old adage that essentially states that if you want to know who is really responsible; FOLLOW THE MONEY! The money and power is flowing OUT of America, not into it. America is being bled dry. And when there is nothing left to steal, we will be encouraged to self destruct in an attempt to protect those truly responsible. Here is a hint: start with the true owners (most foreign) of the Federal Reserve member Banks.

  6. Excellent.

    However there is one nice thing to come out of all this:

    All empires fall. There is no exception.

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