The Prepper’s June To-Do List: 6 Ways You Can Save Money and Bulk Up the Pantry

Tess Pennington | Comments (1) | Reader Views (6890)

Living through a pandemic was not on anyone’s radar a few months ago. Sadly, when the world shut down, it caused our economy to shut down with it. Unemployment has skyrocketed and it’s safe to say we are all concerned about what the future will hold. Now, more than ever, it is important to find ways to embrace frugalism to prepare for the likelihood of a longstanding economic crisis.

Stretching the budget will help you save money in the coming years and there are ways you can do it each month. With the summer months upon us, we wanted to remind you of some upcoming opportunities to expand your food pantries and preparedness supplies. Simply by stocking up on a few extras when items are at their lowest can save you hundreds each month!

The best way to start is to create a budget so you have an idea of how much extra you can spend on items. Depending on what food items you purchase, the shelf lives could be 1-2 years (longer with bulk dry goods like beans, rice, and pasta). For instance, items like condiments and sauces can last unopened in a pantry for up to 2 years. So grabbing a few extra bottles to stock in the pantry will save you money and not have to play into the price game at the grocery stores! As well, with Father’s Day this month, you can bet there will be deals at home and sporting stores to take advantage of.

6 Ways You Can Save Money and Bulk Up the Prepper Pantry

  1. Visit farmer’s markets or farms selling produce and practice the art of making a deal. While many are trying their hands at growing their own food sources, there are some who live in areas where they cannot. Visiting farmers markets is a great way to get the best of both worlds. With the surplus in harvests, you can use this as an opportunity to bulk up your food pantry. Concentrate on purchasing foods that you will use throughout the year. Foods like tomatoes, fresh fruits or berries for canning and preserves, foods that freeze well like peas, corn, carrots, and beans. For frugality’s sake, make every attempt to pay in cash to avoid adding more debt to your credit card. Here is a list for the best seasonal produce in June: apricots, berries, cherries, corn, cucumbers, eggplant, grapes, green beans, melons, pitted fruits, potatoes, onions, squash, and tomatoes. You can also dehydrate many of these food items. One trick I have found when visiting my local farmer’s market is if you getting there right before the market closes they will be more likely to make a deal at the end of the market because they won’t have to load up as many items that didn’t sell.
  2. Outdoor supplies – To gear up for outdoor excursions, there will be lots of sunblock and bug sprays on the sale shelves at the store. Insect repellent usually lasts between 18 months and 36 months, but read the product label to be sure. Also, keep a lookout for garden supplies. Many home garden stores will have deals on garden tools, perennial herbs and vegetables, and irrigation supplies. If you’re ready to revive the survival garden, keep an eye out for these deals.
  3. Look for deals at the grocery store – Deals on dairy, eggs, foods you grill (hot dogs, buns, etc.), condiments, paper plates, and plastic cutlery. As well, in years past, deals with grilling meats were also big in June. It’s unknown if COVID will continue to slow the meat supplies, but keep an eye out, nonetheless! Foods like hot dogs, sausages, grilling meats, etc., can be frozen for later use. If the meat shortages continue and prices continue to climb, this will be an excellent way to save on money in the future.
  4. Stock up on grilling supplies. While stocking up on supplies for the summer barbecues you are planning, grab some extra packages of charcoal briquettes, lighter fluid, and matches in case you find yourself in an off-grid event this summer. If an emergency occurs that takes you off the grid for more than a few days, you will need to have a way to cook your food reserves. As long as charcoal briquettes stay dry, they will last years, so stocking up on them will be ideal for short term emergency strategies.
  5. First-aid supply deals – Those planning their annual family camping trip will be happy to hear that first aid supplies are usually on sale this month. Look for deals on bandages, gauze pads, rubbing alcohol and peroxide, antibiotic ointments, first aid kits. To go a step further and bulk up the prepper’s medicine cabinet, check out some of these essential medical supplies.
  6. Frugal shopping – You can also enjoy deep discounts in out of season winter clothing such as winter coats, wool socks, and boots.

Help the community and share what deals you are seeing at your stores!

This article was published at Ready Nutrition on May 29, 2020

1 thought on “The Prepper’s June To-Do List: 6 Ways You Can Save Money and Bulk Up the Pantry”

  1. My suggestion is to stop buying lighter fluid. Really, it’s not necessary. We haven’t bought the stuff in years and cook out at least once a week.

    How do we do it? By using a metal “charcoal starter.” They are sold everywhere, even at grocery stores. The charcoal starter is a cylinder with a handle and a shelf inside for the charcoal to sit off of your fire starter.

    We’ve used all manner of fire starters but mostly use empty toilet paper rolls because they are ubiquitous.

    Happy grilling!

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