Have you noticed a change in the way you raise your children vs. how you were raised?
Pamela Bofferding
Pamela Bofferding is a native Texan who now lives with her husband and sons in New York City. She enjoys hiking, traveling, and playing with her dogs.
Upcoming Health Crisis? 4th Incident of Superbug Gene Found in the United State
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) have been closely monitoring cases since the superbug gene first appeared in China, but more cases are emerging. Is there another health crisis about to be unleashed?
The Best Way to Store Coffee for the Long Haul
A world without coffee is not a world most people would want to live in. Storing coffee beans for the long haul will ensure your favorite morning beverage needs are met and you will have enough extra for the neighbors and family during an emergency.
How the Fish Industry is Defrauding Millions and Should Be Avoided At All Costs
While you are paying top dollar for quality fish, the seafood industry is pulling the wool over your eyes and stealing your money. According to a new report on seafood fraud, one in five seafood samples turn out to be completely different fish than what the menu or packaging might lead you to believe.
FDA Bans 40% of Antibacterial Soaps Due to Presence of “Dangerous Chemicals”
Marketers have long been capitalizing on our fear of germs to make a buck, but it turns out you’re far better off not using those products, many of which contain chemicals that were banned by the FDA this week.
Keep Your Kitchen Like Julia Child
There’s a lot to learn from how Child arranged her own personal kitchen and how to bring out the master chef in your humble household.
Big Pharma and the ADHD Industrial Complex: A Review of ADHD Nation
Schwartz dismantles the ADHD “epidemic” by showing how the creation of a drug spurred a medical condition, not the other way around.
Get The Kids To Do Their Laundry With These Easy Tips!
Doing the laundry is never exactly fun, but having my kids pitch in and help makes the job easier and it also teaches them independence and self-reliance. By planning/organizing a few things in advance, I’ve made the process of doing our laundry much easier for my little helpers.
Be More Productive: 5 Books To Improve This Life Skill Today!
Whether you’re a stay at home mom, a busy entrepreneur or working in a fast paced office, these five books will help you make your time more efficient and productive!
How These Online Courses are Revolutionizing Higher Education
For the right person, these online courses could easily advance your career, provide credentials, or allow you to pursue a hobby or craft you might never have thought possible.