Making your own emergency meals is a convenient way to store a balanced amount of shelf stable foods for a rainy day.
Homemade Pizza Bread
Pizza bread has been a tradition in my family and my kids love it. Best of all, it’s easy to make and transports well.
Hot Apple Cider Recipe
What’s better than a warm mug of apple cider? It’s time to take advantage of the apple harvest and sip on something warm during the cold months.
How to Cook The Cheapest Cuts of Meat
The lid is put on and the whole thing goes into a cold oven. It’s important that the heat builds up slowly so as not to cause the meat to contract, to shrink too quickly because that’s what makes it tough.
How to Make Butter Coffee For Focus
If you want to have a decadent, yet energizing kick to your morning, this simple change might be it.
How to Make Homemade Ice Cream with a Mixer
If you have a hand mixer, homemade ice cream can be yours!
How To Make Pumpkin Seed Treats for Chickens
Your chickens will love this special treat and you will love the added health benefits of a healthy flock.
How to Make Ricotta Cheese with Just 3 Simple Ingredients
Light and fluffy, homemade ricotta cheese is one of the easiest things you’ll ever make.