Let’s take a look at collagen – what it is, how to take it, and what it can do for you.
Vitamins and Nutrients
Colloidal Silver’s Antimicrobial Properties And Safe Usage Suggestions
Colloidal silver is most known for its antimicrobial properties. But there are many other uses for it as well, and we’ve composed this handy guide to help you understand how to get the most out of colloidal silver while using it safely to avoid argyria.
Combating Stress with Herbal Remedies
There are two herbal adaptogens – Schisandra and Ashwagandha – that can reduce the amount of cortisol you produce during times of stress – both in a disaster, and when you’re working out to the max.
Continuous Kombucha for Post-Collapse Wellness
Learning how to make this fermented tea to provide your family with dietary wellness and a long-term health benefits during a long-term emergency.
Could A Nuclear War In Asia Effect You? Absolutely
Any nuclear weapons detonated in East Asia could produce a cloud of fallout that would reach us. It wouldn’t be cataclysmic, but it would be dangerous.
Don’t Throw it Away! Five Fruits With Perfectly Edible Peels
Most people don’t realize that fruit peels often contain a higher concentration of nutrients than the fruit itself.
Don’t Trust the Media: Supplements Aren’t Going to Kill You
The statistics provided by the NPDS suggest that the recommended doses for supplements and multivitamins, are probably harmless for the vast majority of the population.
EPA Fines Man $16 Million for Building a Pond on His Own Property
America is supposed to be the land of the free, not the home of the bureaucrats.
Essential Emergency Preps: Vitamin Infused Powders
In any survival situation, having a constant supply of vitamins can help a individual’s mental clarity, nervous system and immune system. This vitamin alternative has many benefits and is a great prep to add to a bug out bag or camping gear.
EWG Releases 2014 Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen Lists
Figuring out what to eat when you’re broke can be fraught with nutritional landmines. It’s expensive to eat strictly organic. Add this excellent tool to your bag of tricks in seeking out the healthiest, most nourishing food available within your budget.
Colon and Rectal Cancers on the Rise: How to Reduce Your Risk
A new study shows that colon and rectal cancers are increasing in people under 50. How can you reduce your risk?