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Four Medicinal Mushrooms to Add to Your Natural Pharmacy

Mushrooms are a powerful addition to your home pharmacy. This primer provides excellent advice on the medicinal benefits of mushrooms, where to find them and how to preserve them for future use.

10 Infused Detox Waters for Healthy Living

10 Infused Detox Waters for Healthy Living

Take drinking water to the next level. By infusing your water with fresh fruits and herbs, it will help you gently detox your body and rehydrate you at the same time. Try these ten refreshing infusions!

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Juice For a Natural Energy Boost

Juice For a Natural Energy Boost

I constantly struggle with having enough energy to get everything done. Instead of loading myself up with coffee all day, I am taking a healthier approach and started giving my body what it really needs – natural vitamins and nutrients.

19 Foods That Eat the Stress Away

19 Foods That Eat the Stress Away

There are many ways you can reduce or manage the stress in your life. Good nutrition is one of them. Believe it or not, there are foods you can eat that have shown to have stress-reducing properties.

14 Foods For Healthy, Glowing Skin

14 Foods For Healthy, Glowing Skin

Eating a balanced diet and staying adequately hydrated are crucial for overall health and wellness, and when it comes to skin health, there are some foods are true superstars.

Combating Stress with Herbal Remedies

Combating Stress with Herbal Remedies

There are two herbal adaptogens – Schisandra and Ashwagandha – that can reduce the amount of cortisol you produce during times of stress – both in a disaster, and when you’re working out to the max.

Coconut Oil: Some Really Good Stuff!

Coconut Oil: Some Really Good Stuff!

If you haven’t heard about the amazing uses for coconut oil lately, you must have been living under a rock. Here are some of the many uses for coconut oil and where to get the best oil from.

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Book Review: Eat the Weeds

Book Review: Eat the Weeds

The book, Eat the Weeds contains a plethora of information based in research that can definitely help you from perspectives of nutrition, home budgeting, and preparedness.

Can Fasting Rebuild Your Immune System?

Can Fasting Rebuild Your Immune System?

A recent study conducted at the University of Southern California found that people who who occasionally who fast for three days strange can completely rejuvenate their entire immune system.

5 Tips For Naturally Healthy Skin All Summer Long

5 Tips For Naturally Healthy Skin All Summer Long

The warmer, more humid weather in the summer means our skin isn’t as dry and itchy as it was in the winter; but that’s no excuse to neglect your skin. As the largest organ of the integumentary system, it’s important to protect your skin, but doing so in a natural and earth-friendly way is often difficult. So we’ve come up with five tips and tricks designed to help you get the most out of nature’s bounty while caring for skin this summer.

Colloidal Silver vs. Ionic Silver And Why It Matters

Colloidal Silver vs. Ionic Silver And Why It Matters

Colloidal silver is often confused with ionic silver, and although both are very similar, their differences should be noted especially when considering whether or not colloidal silver is a supplement that’s right for you or your family. Many products claiming to be colloidal silver or angstrom size silver particle colloids are in fact mostly ionic silver solutions.


DIY Lotion Bars

DIY Lotion Bars

This DIY lotion bar is all natural and contains only 5 ingredients making it an easy DIY project.

Combating Stress with Herbal Remedies

Combating Stress with Herbal Remedies

There are two herbal adaptogens – Schisandra and Ashwagandha – that can reduce the amount of cortisol you produce during times of stress – both in a disaster, and when you’re working out to the max.

Ancient Secrets to Relieving Back Pain

Ancient Secrets to Relieving Back Pain

Back pain is a big deal. It will affect almost every American over the course of their lifetime, and in many cases, it goes on to become chronic and untreatable. But there is a way to avoid this ailment altogether.

10 Health Boosting Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar Tonics

10 Health Boosting Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar Tonics

Apple cider vinegar has a fairly lengthy history when it comes to natural home remedies. It has been touted as a cure-all for almost everything; from helping blood pressure issues, fungal infections, to sore throats and even weight loss. 

12 Natural Ways to Remedy Sleep Disorders

12 Natural Ways to Remedy Sleep Disorders

There are times when sleep disorders interrupt our much needed rest. Try these suggestions and natural herbs to help calm the nerves and get the blissful sleep you need.

Foraging For Edible Weeds

Foraging For Edible Weeds

When food is scarce, chaos and fear begin to set in. Foraging for food in the most unlikely places can solve the starvation dilemma. Here are the top most common edible weeds.