Get outside and enjoy the weather by preparing a big fall garden.

How to Ferment Feed for Healthier Chickens
Fermenting chicken feed is an inexpensive and easy way to promoting good gut health. The process is so easy, you will wonder why you haven’t done this earlier!

5 Reasons To Add Ponds To Your Homestead
Ponds. They’re mosquito-ridden little green pools of algae-infested slop water… if managed poorly. But even if they ARE managed poorly, they’re still an asset for the thoughtful prepper.

Alternative Cooking Sources for SHTF Planning
All the stored food in the world will do no good if you have no way to heat your food. Learn more about these alternative cooking sources to use during an emergency.

Turning Kitchen Scraps into Free Eggs
For those of you like me that hate food waste supplementing animal feed in this way might save you a fair bit of cash.

Gardening Tasks for Fall
Here are some great gardening tasks for fall… perhaps they’ll spark some ideas as you strive to make next year the best gardening year yet.

3 Different Ways To Use a Whirley Pop – Prepper Style!
Did you know they whirley pop device has more than one use? Give this old fashioned device and second look and see how many other ways you can use it.

6 Ways to Get Your Chicken Coop Ready For Winter
Chicken coops need a little T.L.C. during the winter months. Here are 6 ways to winterize your coop and keep your chickens warm and cozy.

Reduce Waste: How To Make The Most Of Your Autumn Leaves
The end of the summer garden is always bittersweet for me. I miss my daily fresh cut lettuce but I also love the falling leaves and bright reds and oranges of autumn. Luckily, those fallen leaves are more than just pleasing to look at. In this helpful guide, we’ll walk you through a few easy ways to use your fallen autumn leaves as a zero waste and cheaper options around your place.