
My Top 3 Favorite Prepping Items

We all have our favorite items that we have stored or stockpiled in case the SHTF. Oddly enough, my three favorite preparedness items are relatively easy to acquire. My favorite items are both useful, shareable, and barterable.

Planning for a future of food price inflation now will help you save money and invest in your future. Here are some tips to help you beat the rapid swings of food prices.

4 Items You Will Likely See Sharp Increases Due To the Ukraine Crisis and What You Can Do About It

The state of global geopolitics is becoming increasingly unstable. Now that Russia and Ukraine are conflicting in actual war, we are likely to see major increases in these four food items at our grocery stores – if we can even find them in the coming weeks!

In March, we begin to see stores changing out their items for those that are more summery and can be used in the spring. That means other items will probably be on sale!

What to Buy In March

In March, we begin to see stores changing out their items for those that are more summery and can be used in the spring.  That means other items will probably be on sale!

With inflation and gas and food shortages on the rise, it is an excellent idea to have some cash stashed for emergencies. I know we live in a world that believes that there is an ATM around the corner and keeping cash in your wallet or in your home is obsolete, but there are some events that will prove it is good to have some loose cash around.

How You Can Prepare For the Next Global Food Crisis

Whether we choose to look the other way or not, the planet is facing a food crisis. Even if your grocery store is fully stocked, it won’t take long for food to run out if people come from towns over because their store is out. The food crisis is looming and it is going to get worse before it gets better, so it’s best to prepare now.

Ready Nutrition - germinating seed to sprout of nut in agriculture and plant grow  with sunlight

Why You Might Need To Replace Your Seeds

If you are not saving your own seeds from year to year, purchase good, fresh seed stock from a reputable source. You should also look for organic heirloom seeds since anything else can be hit or miss when it comes to saving your seeds from year to year.

april - ready nutrition

Spring Is Here! What To Buy In April

Every month presents opportunities to grab some things to improve your prepper supply or homestead. In April, there are some things you can stock up on in order to prepare for a variety of different situations.

Knowing there's going to be a supply problem with food staples is only the first step. Taking action to minimize the effects it'll have on you and your family is the next step!

What the US Plans To Do About the Wheat Supply Shortage and How You Can Prepare

A year ago, we wrote on the importance of being mindful of your food stores. Recently, countries are starting to ban wheat exports out of their country which spells out increased shortages and higher prices at the grocery stores.

We recently have begun a new adventure! We have honey bees! Because we got them so late in the season, it was recommended by other local beekeepers to "feed the bees." But what does that mean?

Unusually High Bee Die-Off In Canada Will Impact The World

An unusually high honey bee die-off in Canada is going to impact the world’s farming system. Bees are necessary pollinators and help in all agricultural industries.

Enjoy the bounty of summer-fresh vegetables with this canning guide on making delicious marinara sauce.

6 Ways To Use Up Marinara Sauce

Garden fresh marinara sauce is a favorite among gardeners, homesteaders, and preppers. Its flavor can be enhanced by whatever herbs you enjoy and it can preserve for several years.

 Learning how to use thermal cooking can help reduce the use of stored fuels during emergencies. This little-known cooking hack will slow cook your meal and help maintain indoor temperatures while reducing the amount of fuel needed.

How This Cooking Hack Can Minimize the Use of Stored Fuels in Emergencies

Learning how to use thermal cooking can help reduce the use of stored fuels during emergencies. This little-known cooking hack will slow cook your meal and help maintain indoor temperatures while reducing the amount of fuel needed.


Why We Should Get Out In Nature More

As human beings, we are natural creatures, and returning to our roots can help us restore our minds and cultivate harmony and happiness far too many seem to be missing.