Modern day antibiotics are failing us and we must open our eyes to the fact we are in the beginnings of a post-antibiotic world. The world has a choice: either the medical world makes drastic changes to stave off overuse of antibiotics or they resort to other alternative methods of eliminating bacteria.
Natural Medicine
Natural Medicine information and resources.
Off Grid Antibiotics: For When There is No Medicine
This powerful naturopathic first aid herb has antibiotic and antiviral properties and has the capacity to protect against pandemic-related illnesses.
Oil Pulling: An Ancient Technique For SHTF Dental Care
Is oil pulling just a fad or does it really work? Todd Walker, writer for Survival Sherpa tested oil pulling out for two weeks and his results will surprise you.
Onion Cough Syrup
This natural cough syrup can be taken as often as needed and can easily be made – all you need are two ingredients.
Popular Hollywood Hallucinogenic Plant Could Have Dangerous Side Effects
In this light, many times some of these exotic herbs have been used for innocuous or innocent purposes with well-meaning, and through no fault of their own, people have gotten hurt or worse.
Sandalwood Aroma Helps Heals Wounds and Regenerate Skin
Skin cells possess an olfactory receptor for sandalwood scent, as researchers at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum have discovered.
Six All-Natural Lotions, Balms and Salves You Can Make On the Cheap
It’s time we take an active stance against chemical-laden products. Knowing how easy it is to make your own will help you positively impact your health and save money at the same time. There is no reason to spend endless amounts of money on a lotions, creams and salves that you can make yourself – without the added chemicals. These recipes are loved by my family. Try them today and notice the difference!
Step By Step: How To Make Your Own Colloidal Silver
Throughout the history of alternative medicine, few remedies have had the staying power of colloidal silver.
Stop Bleeding Fast With This Weed
What was so exciting about discovering this “weed” in my yard is that not only is it edible and delicious, it also has medicinal properties as well. We’ll delve into that more in a moment.
Study: How Green Tea Could Reduce Pancreatic Cancer Risk
A recent study reports that EGCG, the active biologic constituent in green tea, could help prevent cancer.