Family Preparedness

out with the old

The New Year: Train on the Old, and in with the New

Now that the “old” year is coming to an end, we will need to take the lessons learned from this past year and (remember: refresh on study continually!) and keep them close to mind and heart. Such is necessary as a base and foundation for things we cover next year.

self sufficiency sustainable renewable energy and agriculture auto sufficient and simple living,road sign arrow

The Power of Self-Sufficiency

The toughest, most resilient people as both individuals and as societies all generally have one thing in common – self-sufficiency. This by no means suggests isolationism, but rather the ability to survive, even thrive through one’s own work using resources at their own disposal.

Cute litte girl with attitude wearing red boxing gloves

The Prepared Child

If your prepping efforts are a part of life for your kids, then in the event of a disaster, the shock will be lessened and they will adapt more quickly to the situation at hand. Learn ways to educate your child on disaster preparedness, and ways to teach them critical thinking skills so they become an active participant in the solution.

The Prepared Home: 5 Prepper Projects to Start in the Spring

Here are 5 Spring projects preppers can do to get their homes fortified and preparedness ready.

The Prepared Home: 50 Essential Items to Put in Your Ultimate Survival Medical Kit

We all have our fair share of band-aids and antibiotic ointment, but do you have medical supplies that can help with true medical emergencies? The following list is your basic medical preparations broken into sections of need to help in your organization.


The Prepper’s Fortune Cookie

Fortune cookies are more than just for eating. They can help us put things into perspective in regard to our prepping endeavors.


The Rise Of Superbugs And ‘Nightmare Bacteria’ And How You Can Stay Healthy

“Nightmare bacteria” with unusual resistance to antibiotics of last resort were found more than 200 times in the United States last year in a first-of-its-kind hunt to see how much of a threat these rare cases have become. It’s also important to realize that there are steps that can be taken to help stem the evolution of these superbugs and remain healthy.


The Saturday Night Special: Dinner, Dancing and a Derringer .38

This miniature pistol presents an opportunity for a “stealthy backup friend/backup piece” that you can turn to when it hits the fan.

The State of the Economy and Why You Need to Be Preparing

The planning ahead that you do starts now, not tomorrow. As the economy unravels more and more, it’s only a matter of time before the bottom drops out.



Whether you are lucky enough to grow your own tea herbs, you purchase loose teas, or you use tea bags, your cabinet is not complete without the following.


The Video Carjackers Don’t Want You To See

In times of crisis, you have to face to fact that people will kill you for what you have, and will do anything they can to get you out of your car – even trick you.

The Warrior Mentality: Controlled and Purposed Action in a Post Collapse Combat Situation

Because it is the warrior mentality that you will need to make it through, and protect you and yours.

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