
Is your home prepared for life’s emergencies? A disaster of any kind rarely stops with the initial event and has the capacity to last days or longer. Because of this, it is important to have a well-rounded approach to your preparedness efforts. Our research-based resources on emergency scenarios, emergency checklists, and disaster scenarios offer family-based preparedness advice to create a multi-layered approach so your family can be prepared for anything! Learn more about survival food, potable water, safety and security issues, how to live in an off-grid environment with alternative power and how to get your pet prepared for emergencies.

les stroud

Learn How to Survive a Flood with Les Stroud

It’s temping to focus on the scariest disasters, while ignoring the events that are most likely to effect you, and are statistically more lethal.

Learning to Prepare the Hard Way

Break the pattern of an unprepared society and encourage friends and family to get prepared. Not only does this help loved ones get prepared, but it promotes self reliance in the process.

Prepping for Civil Unrest and Martial Law

Lessons from Ferguson: Prepping for Civil Unrest and Martial Law

Watch and learn from the events in Ferguson, because this type of chaos could be coming to a city near you.

roman soldier

Lessons from the Roman Army for Post-SHTF Combat Operations

Small unit tactics are more than just a matter of either superior arms or numerical advantages. They are based on common sense and knowing how to plan out your objectives, as well as a plan of attack.


Light It Up: The Ultimate Survival Flashlight: the Fenix TK-25

The Fenix TK-25 has some features that you will be able to use to your advantage whether out hunting and camping, or in the midst of some disaster such as a hurricane or snowstorm.


Little Victories: Lessons in Mental Preparedness from SERE School

Training your mind to stay positive while facing adversity does not come easy. But these tips from SERE school can help you find those little triumphs and thrive in whatever environment you find yourself in.


Live-Off-The-Land with These 7 Summer Survival Foods

While many would turn their nose up to these 7 survival food sources, in a dire emergency, where there is no food, you have to take it where you can get it.

Cheerful couple enjoying in the car ride. 


Living Happy, Being Free

Which direction is your life taking you? There is a route to happiness that a lot of people miss, as they’re hurtling down the highway of life at breakneck speed.


Long-Term Disaster Training: A Primer on Prepping Your Body

If you aren’t in good physical shape before a long-term emergency, you could be setting yourself up for a disaster.


Lyme Disease Has Reached Epidemic Levels

Without knowing what it entails or how it’s caused, you could be carrying the worsening symptoms and not know why your health is failing in so many ways.


Machetes Are All the Rage Right Now. Here’s the Best One to Put in Your Backpack

If you have to “bust brush,” you could use more than a walking stick. This is where a good machete made by Gerber will come in handy.


Make Sure Your Kids are Getting Enough Sleep with ‘The Sleepy Three’

Sleep is critical for kids’ brain development, healthy metabolism, and mood regulation. Make sure your kids are getting enough zzz’s with The Sleepy Three.

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