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4 EPA-Approved Sanitation Preps for Monkey Pox that You Need To Stock Up On

According to a report from the CDC, people with monkeypox who do not require hospitalization may be isolated at home. During prolonged, face-to-face contact, monkeypox spreads between people through direct contact with an infectious rash, body fluids, or respiratory...
How I Disinfected My Home After Having Covid-19

How I Disinfected My Home After Having Covid-19

Covid-19 viscously descended upon my home in March, and all seven members of my household contracted it. It was an unseen enemy that kept spreading, and I felt defenseless at protecting my family from it. I was determined to eradicate that germ from my home so no one else would contract it. I armed myself and attacked with the following products and technologies.

10 of the Greatest Apocalypse Survival Movies of All Time

10 of the Greatest Apocalypse Survival Movies of All Time

Why not have a little fun over the next few nights and turn off the news for a few days? Movies are entertaining and some can help teach the essential preparedness lessons of adapting to developing situations, vital rules needed to follow to stay alive, the importance of staying away from large crowds, and having a way to protect yourself.

Quarantine Fallout: Mental Health Deterioration & Ways To Cope

Quarantine Fallout: Mental Health Deterioration & Ways To Cope

 In our current situation of quarantines and lockdowns designed to stop the spread of the coronavirus, it’s important to know that this comes at a cost, especially to those we are trying to protect. Older people are already vulnerable to loneliness, but this solution is impacting those who are younger too.

The New Book You Need To Prepare For and Survive a Deadly Pandemic

The New Book You Need To Prepare For and Survive a Deadly Pandemic

It is vital that each of you know what you are up against – an extremely contagious virus that is hellbent on surviving no matter what. This will not go away on its own and will continue to threaten our economy, our food supply chain, our communities and our health. Now that the contagion is out there, there is no denying that it is time to take the appropriate steps needed to keep your family healthy and safe.



In a recent report, a leading expert on the coronavirus out of Beijing, China coronavirus said she was “very worried” about a second wave of outbreaks.  She warned that a surging number of imported cases could trigger another epidemic.

Will a Facemask REALLY Protect You From the Coronavirus?

Will a Facemask REALLY Protect You From the Coronavirus?

Health officials have been suggesting the use of face masks to prevent the spread and transmission of the coronavirus, which is quickly spreading around the globe. But the real question is do they really protect you from the virus?

Uncontained: COVID-19 Is Here and We Have No Idea How Many of Us Have It

Uncontained: COVID-19 Is Here and We Have No Idea How Many of Us Have It

Many have scrutinized government and health organizations claiming they have not done enough to prevent the spread of this contagion and now with the first community-acquired case of COVID-19 in the United States, this means we can no longer trace who is passing it to who. In short, it could be everywhere.

CDC Warns on Coronavirus: “It’s inevitable…” Here’s How To Prepare

CDC Warns on Coronavirus: “It’s inevitable…” Here’s How To Prepare

With this rapidly evolving outbreak, the CDC has done its best to stay in control of the rhetoric of keeping the public informed. Their main focus was to stay cautiously alert and keep the public calm, but as of today, they have significantly shifted their official statement and there is no denying the fact that coronavirus will come to communities in the U.S.

The Truth About The Coronavirus

The Truth About The Coronavirus

We’ve all heard of the coronavirus by now. But what is the truth? How bad is it? Is there anything we can do about preventing the contraction of this virus? There are a lot of questions, and we’ll attempt to help based on the information available to us.


14 Ways to Repurpose Glass Jars

14 Ways to Repurpose Glass Jars

There is something about glass jars being used other than their intending purpose that makes a smile creep across my face.

Trauma Medicine: How to Use and Apply a Tourniquet

Trauma Medicine: How to Use and Apply a Tourniquet

Tourniquets aren’t discussed often when it comes to prepping supplies; the focus seems to be on medical supplies such as antibiotics and simple first aid kit. But a tourniquet should be added to your gear, and there is one big life-saving reason why.

10 Seeds You Need for the Survival Garden

10 Seeds You Need for the Survival Garden

Survival seeds are one of those long-term preparedness measures that every family should have. If the days come when a survival garden is needed, the family will be happy to have invested in such an important prep item. 

10 Tips To Teach Kids About Internet Safety

10 Tips To Teach Kids About Internet Safety

Our children live in such a drastically different world as we grew up in. Dangers seem to be around every corner, and the Internet has invited those dangers into our homes and our children’s bedrooms.

3 Uses a Stationary Bike Has When the Grid Goes Down

3 Uses a Stationary Bike Has When the Grid Goes Down

If you find yourself living through a long term disaster, where the new way of life is living off the grid, then the sooner you can begin learning creative solutions to adapt to this way of life, the better off you will be.

13 Disorders Caused by Lack of Water

13 Disorders Caused by Lack of Water

Most people don’t think they need to worry about dehydration. But there is a chronic form of dehydration that does not have the sudden and intense nature of the acute form.
