I have discovered several ways to use wood ash.

7 Kitchen Essentials That Deserve To Be On Your Preparedness Shelves
Our preps are our lifelines during difficult times. Because of limited space issues, the items we carefully put away need to be versatile. Read about 7 kitchen essentials that will conserve space and get the job done.

5 Ways to Re-Purpose Your Produce Bags
Next time you have extra mesh produce bags, save them up for future uses. They definitely have more than just one use.

14 Ways to Repurpose Glass Jars
There is something about glass jars being used other than their intending purpose that makes a smile creep across my face.

7 Ways to Re-Use Wine Corks
To think of all the wine corks I threw away without realizing how many more uses they had. Here are seven great ideas to re-use those wine corks laying around.

50 Clever Ways to Reuse Your Trash and Not Play into the Throw-Away Society
Stop being a member of the throw-away society and be part of the sustainable solution. Here are 50 of the most thrown away items and clever ways to reuse them.

9 Preparedness Uses for Rubber Bands You May Not Have Thought Of
Rubber bands are useful for many things. Here are some of the ones you may not have thought of.

The Re-Purposed Coffee Can
Coffee cans are one of those overlooked everyday items that we see sitting on our counters. But if a person is in a pinch, that coffee can can serve a multitude of purposes. Preppers should start collecting their old coffee cans to use in the Bug out Bags, in their home as well as around their homestead.

10 Ways To Make Your Trash Work For You
Those that are attempting to adopt the homesteading mindset are trying to re-learn the lost knowledge from our agrerian ancestors, as well as trying to find practical ways to save a buck or two. The homesteading mindset is all about re-purposing items we already have in our possession. Finding ways to re-purpose trash can not only make your lifestyle more “green,”, but it can save you money and time as well.

How To Be More Sustainable With Your Clothing
We live in an era of “fast fashion” where things are of abysmal quality, super low in cost, but mass-produced to keep up with the latest trends. But not only is falling into the trap of fast fashion hitting us in the wallet, but it’s also destroying the Earth, and not sustainable in the long run.

4 Sustainable Practices That Will Make Big Changes!
Whether we are climate change activists or skeptics, we can all agree that we should all be doing our part to leave our Earth in the best condition possible. Sustainability isn’t always the easiest thing to accomplish considering our consumerist lifestyle in the U.S., but we’ve come up with four things that can really have an impressive impact and make big changes!
Reducing Waste and Simplifying Your Home
Here are 5 ways to reduce waste in your home and simplify your life.