Expect To See a Drastic Price Increase On These 5 Products

Sara Tipton | Comments (2) | Reader Views (5424)

The supply chain is under unprecedented pressure.  Because of that, and the issue of hyperinflation, you should be aware that at least nine different products could be seeing major price increases in the coming months.

To be incredibly fair, some of these “food” items are actually much closer to “food-like products.” However, if you like them and want to continue to consume them, you could be paying much more in the very near future. If you are still unaware of how to start growing your own food, there isn’t a better time than now to figure it out.

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“As we enter 2022, inflation continues to dramatically impact the economy,” Kraft Heinz said in a letter dated January 24 to at least one of its wholesale customers according to CNN Business. The wholesaler shared the letter on the condition of anonymity to protect the company’s relationship with its suppliers. In the letter, Kraft Heinz warned that some of the following products will be much more expensive soon.

The increases in price on Velveeta cheese will be up about 6.6% on 12oz Velveeta Fresh Packs. While I, personally, do not consume Velveeta products, if you do, you may want to stock up.


Oscar Mayer is expected to raise the price of their turkey bacon by about 30% on a three-pack.


Most cold cuts and beef hot dogs will go up around 10%. Again, this is not a “food” I would ever stock up on, but if you regularly enjoy this and want to keep eating comfort foods, grab what you can now.


The prices of all coffee will go up around 5%. This is one thing I, personally, have been stocking up on. Make sure that if you buy whole coffee beans, you also have a hand grinder. I enjoy coffee daily and if you are in this boat as well, get your favorite coffee now, because prices will never be lower. Another tip for coffee lovers is to purchase green coffee beans and roast them yourself. Read more about how this can save you money and how it’s ideal for a SHTF event.


I do not purchase these either, but if you kids enjoy these types of sugary drinks, be aware that the prices are going up. Some Kool-Aid and Capri Sun drink packs will increase by about 20%.

Higher prices for groceries are putting pressure on many Americans’ household budgets, forcing some to change how they shop for food and essentials. Some shoppers are responding by trimming the number of products they’re buying and trading down to less-expensive, private-label brands, according to businesses, market data, public surveys, and interviews with customers. Others are switching to cheaper stores. This can be good or bad, depending on how you look at it. Others are instead, figuring out how to grow their own food and avoid the overly processed commercial brands that keep giving you less for more money. It would do us all good to cut out the processed foods created in factories and instead, stock up on seed starting soil, organic heirloom seeds, and invest in ways to grow natural healthy foods that will support you during these difficult times.
 Instead of making themselves more reliant on the ever-diminishing food supply, Americans have started looking into how they can be self-reliant and no longer rely on the grocery store. Starting to grow your own food supply and learning to be more self-reliant seems to be one of the few solutions to this dilemma. Look into open-pollinated seeds like these so you can collect the seeds for the next season.  
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Because most foods these days are marketed as such, but barely even qualify as “food”, we need to take a stand by making sure the things we consume will actually fuel our bodies and minds, and not just be empty calories. We can, luckily, grow those things in our homes or yards.
Additional Reading:
If The Grocery Stores Are Stockpiling Food, Shouldn’t You?
Ripe For Chaos: How The Great Reset Will Shake Us To Our Core
5 Survival Strategies for an Economic Depression
The Run On Toilet Paper Is Only The Beginning: These are the Next Panic Shopping Items

This article was published at Ready Nutrition on Jan 31, 2022

2 thoughts on “Expect To See a Drastic Price Increase On These 5 Products”

  1. Tess..just wanting to know if you have gotten through the last few months …I have been fine and still prepping for whatever is next…how about you?

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