How To Make a Draft Stopper with 3 Items

Sara Tipton | Comments (0) | Reader Views (2834)


During winter, we want our homes to be comfy and warm. Having the slightest draft in the home can cause uncomfortable temperature fluctuations in homes as well as cause your home heating to have to work harder. A draft stopper is a cheap and easy way to prevent drafts in the home caused by doors and windows. Follow these easy instructions and make one or two or three today!

Drafts in the winter can be uncomfortable, especially when all you want to do is relax in the warmth. Draft stoppers are easy to make with spare items you have around your home, and you can make them in several fun colors and patterns to match your decor. The following three items can be used to make a simple draft stopper.

  • Rice
  • Fabric – This is a great way to make use of leftover fabrics from previous projects.
  • Polyfil

If you don’t have rice or polyfil, you can try a different filling you may have around your house. There are several different types of filling you can use on your draft stoppers. Some work better than others, especially when you put your stopper in high-traffic areas. Also, some of the draft stopper filler is more widely available at your local store than others, or you may have some on hand. Common home filler materials for draft stoppers include:

  • Sand
  • Cat Litter
  • Batting
  • Beans
  • Rice
  • Plastic Bags
  • Popcorn Kernels
  • Buckwheat Hulls
  • Crushed Walnut Shells
  • Pool Noodles
  • Pipe Insulation

Below is a video showing how you can simply make a draft stopper:

If you don’t have fabric, another option is a sock. You can make a sock draft stopper.  Chances are, you most likely have one or two pairs of old, thick socks lying in your drawer that no one ever wears anymore. Or you have the top of your washing machine full of odd socks that go to that mysterious place every time you do laundry. You can upcycle these socks into a draft stopper. Ideally, you’ll get longer socks so they stretch the length of the door. Make sure there are no holes you have to patch before you start or your filling will spill out as soon as you move it.

Take two socks and stuff them with batting. You could use something heavier like rice, but it’ll be very hard to keep the rice in when you try to stitch them together. Make sure you pack the socks full of your batting. When they’re full, get your needle and thread and stitch the two socks together at the openings. You’re now ready to lay the draft stopper against your door. If you’re worried about it moving because it’s more lightweight, hot glue a strip of velcro to one side of the draft stopper and the other strip to the bottom of the door. Press them together to create your draft stopper next to your door.

Another option would be to use an old pair of jeans. Simply cut the legs off, stuff them with your choice of filler, and sew up the ends! In a pinch, these will work wonders!

Using a draft stopper will allow you to save money on heating costs and add a little touch of something homemade to your decor! Plus, they can be a really fun craft to make with your kids!  See if the kids can come up with a unique way to create a draft stopper.

This article was published at Ready Nutrition on Jan 25, 2022

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