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Mom-Approved Back-To-School Preparedness Kits For Kids

Mom-Approved Back-To-School Preparedness Kits For Kids

As we start gearing up for the first day of school, it’s important to plan for emergencies that may occur when our children are away from home and not in our care. We moms can’t always be around to help when our kids need it. Having some handy items stashed away in a...

8 Old-Time Solutions to Modern Domestic Problems

When it comes to keeping house, our grandmothers had it figured out—and they did so on a dime! We don’t have to look farther than the vintage copies of the Farmer’s Almanac, Reader’s Digest, and a household cleaning book circa 1950 for all the useful...
10 Health Boosting Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar Tonics

10 Health Boosting Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar Tonics

Apple cider vinegar has a fairly lengthy history when it comes to natural home remedies. It has been touted as a cure-all for almost everything; from helping blood pressure issues, fungal infections, to sore throats and even weight loss. Let’s get one big myth...
Study Suggests Doctors Prescribe ‘Food as Medicine’

Study Suggests Doctors Prescribe ‘Food as Medicine’

A new study suggests that doctors return to more natural and holistic roots by prescribing healthy foods and an improved diet for some Americans.  Long stuck in a culture where unhealthy diets and chemical-laden foods have become normal, many doctors are now breaking...
19 Foods That Eat the Stress Away

19 Foods That Eat the Stress Away

 At best, stress can interfere with your happiness and productivity. At worst, stress can be a slow killer: It can adversely affect your immune, cardiovascular, neuroendocrine, and central nervous systems, especially when it is experienced chronically. Avoiding stress...
Five Components Determine How Healthy You Are

Five Components Determine How Healthy You Are

A few years back when my kids were still pretty young, one of my girls and I and the family dog took a short walk in National Forest not too far from where we live. I had let the dog off the leash to stretch its legs while my young daughter and I enjoyed a leisurely...
Can Fasting Rebuild Your Immune System?

Can Fasting Rebuild Your Immune System?

For our ancient ancestors, there was no such thing as fasting. It was called “going hungry” and they did everything in their power to prevent it. Not having enough food was a very common challenge for most people throughout history, and for some it was,...