Week 37 of 52: Essential Baking Needs

Tess Pennington | Comments (4) | Reader Views (13637)

When I first began prepping, I had just bought all of the recommended items for a short-term food supply. After carefully stocking the items on our storage shelf, I sat and looked admiringly at our meager supply imagining all the ways it was going to pull us through a hard time.

Then, a thought crept into my mind: I began to wonder how on earth was I going to use all these supplies. Who uses a pound of yeast? Or two pounds of baking powder? Folks, this was the moment that sealed the deal for me. This was when I realized that I didn’t have to use two pounds of baking powder for baking, I could find another way to use it! And for that matter, I bet that a lot of other items that I had purchased could be used in ways other than their original purposes. That was when I got my hands on every book and website I could find on alternative uses for these items. Inevitably, this is when I went loco for prepping!

Our preps are our lifeline and we must know how to get the most use out of them. Since most of us have limited shelf space, it is only logical to find products that will perform multiple jobs for us. The following is a list of kitchen staples that deserve a space on your emergency food shelves. Keep in mind that in an extended emergency, these items may be very useful in a bartering situation. Remember, to print out or save any pertinent information to put in your preparedness binder.

Baking Soda 

  • Natural antacid
  • Dental care
  • Electrolyte powder
  • Emergency antiseptic
  • Natural cleaner
  • Cleans off rust
  • Can be used in treating scalding, to prevent blistering and scarring. Cover the scalded area with a liberal layer of sodium bicarbonate and water paste and seek medical assistance
  • Can be applied to skin irritations that occur from poison oak, poison ivy and sumac

Baking Powder

  • Eliminates odors
  • Natural cleaning agent
  • Draws out insect stings and jelly fish venom
  • Keeps ants away from the house


  • One of the top bartering items
  • Eliminates odors
  • Natural cleaning agent
  • Sea salt has antibacterial and medicinal properties


Baking Yeast

Brewers Yeast

  • Making alcohol
  • Nutritional supplement
  • Assists diabetics in controlling their blood sugar level
  • Helps control high cholesterol level
  • Is a natural flea control for pets


Corn Starch

  • Great for use as a dry shampoo
  • Burn treatment
  • Treatment for insect bites
  • Deodorant
  • Gets grease out of fabric
  • Cleans windows
  • Thickener for soups, sauces and gravies

Powdered Milk

  • Milk
  • Cheese
  • Sour cream
  • Whipped topping
  • Substitute for milk
  • Facial wash

Click here to learn more about these essentials and their many uses

Our ancestors’ philosophy of “make due or do without” transferred into many avenues of their life, and they were on to something. They knew the versatility of their supplies and made sure they had enough of them to get by.

We also want to get by. Some of these items may even provide a semblance of what our normal life was. And how great is it that these items are low-cost, multi-functional and readily available at practically any grocery store? Start stocking up on these items in quantity and gathering knowledge on your own on other uses for these items.

Preps to Buy:

[In Quantity]

  • Baking Powder
  • Baking Soda
  • Yeast
  • Salt
  • Vinegar
  • Evaporated Milk
  • Powdered Milk
  • Corn Starch

Action Items:

  1. Get smart about survival and research the importance of having certain food sources in your diet.
  2. Further, research how versatile this food source can be for your food pantry and for your overall survival.
  3. Use the Ready Nutrition Food Storage Calculator to find out how many essential baking items you need to add to your storage supply.
  4. Bear in mind, daily caloric intakes are different with each person, so research how many calories you need to stay at your optimum health.
  5. Those with special needs (such as pregnant women) are advised to get more nutrition and calories daily, so keep this in mind when purchasing.
  6. Learn how to package and store your bulk foods for long-term storage.
  7. Store your purchased products in a suitable environment where it is not exposed to natural elements. Click here to learn about your food’s worst enemies.

This article was published at Ready Nutrition on Mar 16, 2012

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4 thoughts on “Week 37 of 52: Essential Baking Needs”

  1. I noticed Linda said something about keeping ants away.  Why not make sure they never come back?  Sprinkle cornmeal around your home or preps and ants will take the corn meal back to their nest and kill the entire nest.  The whole nest tries to eat the cornmeal, but since ants can’t digest cornmeal they die.

  2. And why not keep any crawling insect away?
    For insect control try something that has multiple uses (filtration,medicinal (food grade stuff), as an abrasive, hydroponics,etc.). It’s called diatomaceous earth. Search it up.

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