How To Use Black Currants For Joint Pain Relief

Sara Tipton | Comments (0) | Reader Views (1612)

Blackcurrants have many health benefits, including relieving joint pain often caused by autoimmune disorders. But Americans have missed out on the health benefits of these nutritious berries!

Blackcurrants (Ribes nigrum) have been called “the forbidden fruit” in the United States. They can help spread a fungus that infects white pine trees called white pine blister rust. For this reason, blackcurrants were banned in the early 1900s in the U.S and many plants were removed from certain areas in an effort to save the logging and timber industry.  Blackcurrants, which are native to Europe and Asia, were once very popular in the U.S. But due to the ban, a lot of plants were removed. But that hasn’t stopped white pine blister rust from killing white pine trees. The fungus is still around today and even though the ban was lifted in the 1960s, many Americans are still missing out on the joint pain relief they can get by using the blackcurrant plant.

Inflammation is the body’s vital response to injury or infection. It is the body’s way of signaling to the immune system that it’s time to heal and repair damaged tissue, as well as defend itself against foreign invaders, such as viruses and bacteria.  Without inflammation as a physiological response, wounds would fester, and infections could become deadly.  However, if the inflammatory process goes on for too long or if the inflammatory response occurs in places where it is not needed, it can become incredibly problematic. Chronic inflammation has been linked to certain diseases such as heart disease or stroke, and may also lead to autoimmune disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupusaccording to Live Science.  But a healthy diet and lifestyle can help keep inflammation under control, and so can using blackcurrants.

According to WebMD, “Blackcurrants are high in antioxidants, including vitamin C. Along with the anthocyanins in black currants, these antioxidants can help to give your immune system a boost, allowing your body to fight infection and viruses more effectively. Black currants are rich in an omega-6 fatty acid called gamma-linolenic acid (GLA).”

Tackle Inflammation Naturally With Blackcurrant Herbal Tinctures

Blackcurrants have a direct effect on your body’s inflammatory response. The high GLA and anthocyanin content can help reduce joint or muscle:

  • pain
  • stiffness
  • soreness
  • damage

In some studies, GLA supplements were so effective that participants with rheumatoid arthritis could reduce their usual pain medications.

In fact, the Arthritis Foundation cites an exciting study in which patients with the inflammatory disorder rheumatoid arthritis experienced far less pain, more joint mobility, and decreased stiffness as a result of GLA’s incredible anti-inflammatory effects.

Blackcurrant can also aid the body in recovering from muscle fatigue. Early research shows that taking black currant by mouth reduces muscle fatigue or stiffness after doing repetitive tasks.

A great way to incorporate more blackcurrant into your diet is through herbal medicines, like a tincture. Herbal tinctures are becoming more widely used and therefore, more readily available. If you are looking for an easy way to reap the benefits of medicinal plants, take a look at herbal tinctures.

Ready Nutrition’s™ Black Currant Organic Herbal Tincture for Joint Inflammation & Joint Pain activates the body’s own natural defenses to reduce inflammation in the body. This tincture can help relieve inflammation that causes painful, swollen joints and promote greater joint health and joint mobility.

Suggested use: Take one or two dropperfuls every morning and night. Drop desired amount into water, tea, or your favorite beverage.



This article was published at Ready Nutrition on Apr 11, 2022

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